anti-state • anti-war • pro-market
Friday, December 13th, 2019

The Holiday Heart Syndrome

It can be very dangerous. Article by Bill Sardi.

Those Torture Drawings in the NYT

Article by John Kiriakou.

Ideology Quiz

Take it! Article by Kevin Duffy.

Will Pelosi Have the Votes To Impeach?

Article by Renee Parsons.

Don’t Expect Any Truth From Washington

Article by Paul Craig Roberts.

Normandy Meeting Confirms Zelensky Has Zero Friends in Europe

Article by Thomas Luongo.

The US Government Lied About the Afghanistan War

They Couldn’t Have Done It Without Lapdogs Like the Washington Post. Article by Ted Rall.

Where Are the ‘High Crimes’?

Article by Patrick J. Buchanan.

NATO Secretary General Targets ‘Rising China’: Why Cold War Newspeak Never Went Away

Article by Cynthia Chung.

With People in the Streets Worldwide, Media Focus Uniquely on Hong Kong

Unlike protests against US client states, the HK demonstrations are given the approving “pro-democracy” label. Article by Alan MacLeod.

Can We Impeach the FBI Now?

Article by Peter Van Buren.

Corpses in Ocean

Article by Linh Dinh. NB: adult language.

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