The Democrats spent four years trying to stop President Trump from getting anything accomplished for the American people. They spied on his campaign
with altered evidence back in 2016 and 2017. They impeached him once. They impeached him a second time. And now they've got the January 6th Committee
going full tilt against him, trying to keep him from running for office in 2024.
The only way to protect President Trump and ourselves from the Democrats is by electing a MAGA majority.
Today is an important date on the 2022 election calendar: 89 days from today is November 8th, aka Election Day. We only get one shot
at taking back the House and we cannot blow it. I'm writing to remind you of the stakes: We only need to win a FOUR seats to win.
That's why I'm reaching out. I need 89 conservatives to add their signature to my "take back the
House" petition. I need 89 conservatives to offer their support for my own campiagn and for the campaign of every Republican running for Congress
this year.
If we don't start building our coalition now, all bets are off for winning back control of the House this November. And honestly, America cannot
afford two additional years of total Democrat control.
While the election may a couple of months away – it's imperative we're able to begin the groundwork for a successful campaign cycle.
Retiring Nancy Pelosi as Speaker and uniting all Conservatives to stop radical legislation from Joe Biden and the far left begins today. We're counting on you to join our cause.
We hope you will be among the first to sign up and signal your commitment to return a Conservative majority in the House.
Thank you for your support.
For freedom,

Jim Jordan