High profile resignations have rocked Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx’s office. Over 235 people have resigned from Foxx’s office in the past year, according to the Chicago Tribune. NBC-5 reported that 5 people have now resigned from Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx’s office in recent days.

The most high-profile resignation was that of 25-year veteran assistant state's attorney James Murphy, who left saying  “I can no longer work for this Administration. I have zero confidence in their leadership...” 

Increased crime throughout Cook County and a rush for the door in Foxx’s office are all the result of the same thing: Leadership in the State’s Attorney’s Office. Kim Foxx is the problem.

We see the same failed leadership in cities across the country where woke prosecutors push anti-police, anti-law-and-order schemes using feel-good language like “re-imagining prosecution,” and argue that “data and science”  back their pro-criminal, anti-victim approach. It’s garbage.

Under my leadership, the Orland Park Village Board called for Kim Foxx’s resignation. This week, I renewed that demand: Kim Foxx needs to resign. 

Unfortunately, far-Left Democrats like Sean Casten continue to protect her and defend her disastrous ideology. Casten even co-sponsored the George Floyd Act that would have made Kim Foxx’s governance the model for the nation.

Now, Cook County is in big trouble - and it makes up over half of the new 6th district.  He may want to look the other way, but that just isn’t leadership. He needs to put politics aside and disavow Foxx and the ideology that has led to out of control crime. He needs to stop protecting Kim Foxx and call for her resignation. Cook County families and businesses should be able to expect their government - at a minimum - to provide public safety.

It’s just common sense: Enforce the law. Support law enforcement. That’s what we do in Orland Park. The results speak for themselves. We’ve seen the lowest index crimes in 27 years, while Cook County as a whole saw massive increases in crime. I am running to bring the same common sense leadership to Congress and to restore safety to our streets. 

Thank you, 

Keith Pekau
Mayor of Orland Park
Republican Nominee for Illinois’ Sixth Congressional District

In Case You Missed It

Nancy Pelosi Throws Millions Behind Sean Casten

“Pelosi and Casten are part of the gang in Washington DC that drove inflation rates to 9.1%, caused gas to skyrocket to nearly $6 per gallon in Cook and DuPage Counties, pushed anti-police policies and rhetoric that has led to soaring crime rates, and stoked deeply bitter partisan divides nationwide.

“If voters want to continue down that path, Sean Casten – Nancy Pelosi’s hand-picked candidate – is their guy. But the people I talk to everyday on the campaign trail are ready to bring common-sense back to Washington. As mayor of Orland Park,  I’ve reduced crime, reined in spending, and cut property tax rates. I am going to Congress to lead with common sense, put people over politics, and end the Pelosi-Casten era of out of control government.”

Get the whole story here.

Help Keith push back on Nancy Pelosi’s disastrous agenda HERE!

Casten Promised to Protect SALT Deductions. He Didn’t.

“Seems like Casten is for your family and business right up until they get in the way of big government deals for his family and their business. I am sick of self-dealers in Washington putting themselves ahead of the people they are supposed to represent. As mayor of Orland Park, I’ve put people over politics to reduce spending, reduce tax rates and improve accountability. I am going to Congress to do the same thing.” 

Read the whole story here.

Connecting the Dots

Too Soon.

The White House spent much of the last week touting gas prices, which have fallen modestly for the better part of two months after serving as a thorn in the side of the Biden administration for nearly a full year.

From Keith: Democrats are celebrating that the price of a gallon of gas is only $4.33. The price of a gallon of gas was $2.54 when Joe Biden took office. The fact that Democrats are celebrating gas prices increasing nearly $2 per gallon under their leadership shows how out of touch they are with families and businesses. I live, work, and serve as mayor right here in IL-06. Anything that impacts my community impacts me. That’s why I’m running for Congress – to implement solutions that help IL-06 residents.

Remembering Tavares Davis

Orland Park business owner Tavares Davis was shot and killed Tuesday afternoon in Dolton. According to a WGN report, his family said he was found with no valuables on him, no car keys, no wallet or jewelry.

He was a successful businessman in Chicago’s South Suburbs and a loving father.

The family said they are devastated and lost not just a family patriarch and doting father, but the driving force behind a successful family business. 

“Whoever robbed my husband has robbed us,” Nakesha Davis said. “They robbed me of my husband and partner and they robbed my children.” 

From Keith: "I am very sad to hear about the shooting of Tavares Davis in Dolton. Tavares owned a business here in Orland Park that people love. But more importantly, he was a father and a husband. I want to send my deepest condolences to his family, especially his wife, Nakesha. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

"It is inexcusable that another Cook County family is grieving a loved one because crime is running rampant on our streets. Every day we hear another story. We urgently need to get a grip on this. For Kim Foxx to continue to release felons onto the streets as peoples' sons, fathers and husbands are being killed on a daily basis is indefensible."


Meet Keith

Tee-Off the General Election with Keith

Golf Outing

We are so excited to invite you to our 3rd Annual Golf Outing!
When: Monday, September 26
Registration: 1:00pm
Tee-Off: 2:00pm
Cocktails: 5:00pm
Dinner: 6:00pm
Where: The Crystal Tree Golf & Country Club
10700 W 153rd St, Orland Park, IL
RSVP: Click here to sign your team up or to become a sponsor.

Get Involved

Politicians in Washington, DC like Sean Casten, and Nancy Pelosi have put special interests, party politics, and extreme agendas ahead of doing what’s best for the people they’re supposed to represent.

Keith Pekau is the common sense, local leader we need in Washington to take on the extreme politicians. His record of results stands in stark contrast to the failed, divisive politics and rigid ideology of Sean Casten.

Whether you choose to contribute, knock on doors, or host a yard sign on your front lawn, every little bit counts and helps my campaign inch closer to victory.

Click here to get started!
Chip in $6 (or $600) to Flip the 6th here!

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