Dear John, Join us for our August 25 webinar, Will Mushrooms & Seaweed Help Replace Single-Use Plastic? Our world is overwhelmed by single-use plastic packaging and products, and it’s having devastating consequences on our climate, communities, and health.
But what if all those items weren’t made of toxic, fossil fuel-based plastic? What if they were made from regenerative materials like mushrooms or seaweed? DATE: Thursday, August 25 TIME: 2-3 pm PT | 5-6 pm ET Click here to convert to your timezone. Can't attend the live event? Sign up and we will send you a link to watch the recording afterwards. I will be moderating a panel discussion with representatives from three companies providing
innovative technologies to replace single-use plastics with renewable, compostable, and eco-friendly alternatives—Ecovative, LOLIWARE, and Sway. Unlike so-called “bio-based plastics,” seaweed and mushroom materials do not require harmful plasticizing chemicals to work, and are truly zero waste and regenerative alternatives. Panelists will include Julia Marsh, Co-Founder and CEO of Sway, Meghan Olson, Director of Mushroom® Packaging at Ecovative, and Dr. Victoria Piunova, Chief Technology Officer at LOLIWARE. Please feel free to share the webinar link with others who may be interested We look forward to your participation. 
Julia Cohen, MPH Co-Founder & Managing Director Plastic Pollution Coalition |