I still remember the day that I got the call about my son, Brian Mast, from his sister.
I could hear her tears over the phone as she told me that Brian – then serving in Afghanistan and on a critical mission in pursuit of a high-value target – had been blown up by a Taliban bomb.
My heart sank. I worried that I would never be able to say the words “I love you” to my son ever again.
But by the grace of God, my son survived - though he lost both of his legs and part of his hand. Even though I knew it wouldn’t be an easy road ahead, I told Brian that he had to keep going…
…He couldn’t leave his greatest service to his nation behind him…
…He couldn’t have his kids see him feeling sorry for himself.
It was a tough love message to be sure, but Brian took it to heart.
He battled through adversity, learned to walk again, graduated from college, and kept up that service to his nation: this time as a Republican, America First Congressman for the state of Florida.
I never heard Brian complain once through this journey to recovery, but exactly one year ago, something changed that was particularly challenging for him…
That’s when Joe Biden turned his back on him and on every other veteran who served in Afghanistan with his disastrous abandonment of the mission in Afghanistan. The same mission where my son nearly died turned into a tragic failure thanks to Joe Biden’s cowardice.
As was the case after his injuries, though, Brian didn’t back down. He went directly to work using his platform in Congress doing everything he could to hold Joe Biden accountable for the failure.
Unfortunately, all of that focus has taken a great deal of time away from my son’s ability to fundraise for his campaign, and now his election is in just days. So, I’m reaching out to you…will you help me with fundraising so that Brian can continue focusing on the important work of stopping Biden from causing more damage?
, this is all even more important because the one-year anniversary of the day when Kabul fell is NEXT WEEK, and I know my son would hate to see this somber reminder of the Afghanistan failure be made even worse by seeing the Democrats surging in the polls.
That’s why I need your help with a quick favor before this anniversary next week. Do you think that we can help Brian raise the money to keep his campaign on track? →
Winning his re-election and helping Republicans take back the House is critical for helping my son’s goal to get accountability for the Afghanistan failure. If we can raise $10,000 for his campaign this week, Brian’s mission to keep up his service will be in a good spot.
I really appreciate you helping with that effort this week.
Jim Mast
Hon. Brian Mast is a retired member of the U.S. Army. Use of his military rank, job titles, and photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Army or the Department of Defense.