Preparing for Public Charge Ruling

Dear allies,
This week, we’ve got some updates regarding the Senate vote-a-rama, a helpful video from CDF-TX, and an insightful report from recipients of our subgrant, The Coalition for Asian American Children and Families. 

Updates on Vote-a-rama

Earlier this week, the Senate passed the Inflation Reduction Act, sweeping legislation that invests in climate change, extends certain health care provisions, and allows Medicare to negotiate for prescription drug prices. The House of Representatives is expected to pass the bill later this week.

During the debate, all Senators may offer an unlimited number of amendments for consideration during the “vote-a-rama”. As anticipated, many anti-immigrant amendments were offered, but NO anti-immigrant amendment passed. The Democrats voted together to defeat amendments, defending the overall package that had been agreed to by all Democratic Senators. Senators Menendez (D-NJ) and Padilla (D-CA) both publicly opposed the inclusion of anti-immigrant provisions in the package and urged their colleagues to do the same.

PIF was proud to work with all of you on this successful defensive strategy. Your leadership and advocacy were critical in sending Congress a clear message to reject all anti-immigrant amendments. ICYMI, PIF’s steering committee sent a letter to the Senate echoing this message.

Read the Letter

3 things you should know about public benefits and public charge

Our partner, Children's Defense Fund-Texas, put together this short and helpful video explaining three important facts to know regarding the use of public benefits. 

View the video in Spanish

Report on the Harms of Public Charge

The Coalition for Asian American Children and Families (CACF) collaborated with the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) to design and conduct community-based research to document the harms of public charge on New York City’s immigrant communities. The research included an analysis of existing data and the collection of new information across multiple community-based organizations and in-person patient navigator organizations working with immigrant communities. 

Read the Report

Public Charge Rapid Response Plan

We’re still keeping an eye out for the publication of the public charge final regulation. We’ll be sending communications to our network and updating our website as soon as we know more.

Make sure to bookmark our website, as we’ll add important materials there.

Our Website

In Solidarity,

Adriana Cadena & Cheasty Anderson, on behalf of the PIF Team

Visit us at

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