Fellow Patriot,

Did you see what Jon Keller said about me?

"Keller at Large" claims to be some fearless journalist (don't they all?) but in the end, he's only carrying water for the establishment. It's clear that they want to take me out.

In this instance, "Keller at Large" got triggered because I had the nerve to expose how the Democrats have infected our schools with sexualized indoctrination, and have completely shut out parents like myself.

He calls this kind of literature something "to help those struggling with gender identity."

I call it what it is: the sexualization of our children, and it needs to stop.

These people will never reach out to ask me to comment because they see us as a threat to their control.

It's your support means EVERYTHING to me!

Every single dollar helps our efforts to shake up the establishment on Beacon Hill.

As your next Secretary of State, I will be beholden to We the People and not They/Them the Woke Leftist Lobbying Machine.

Together we will win!

-- Rayla
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Paid for by the RaylaForMA Committee