From a young age, my mom explained to me how unjust the American healthcare model is.
My mom, Meryl, was a doctor — I was always proud when people referred to her as “Dr. Geller” in my presence — and saw firsthand how our for-profit system fails us. The solution? “Make sure everyone is covered,” she would say.
Unfortunately, my mom passed away from ovarian cancer back in 2005 — but I’ll never forget her determination to see everyone have access to healthcare.
Healthcare is a human right and I’ll always fight to achieve universal health coverage.
We are the only industrialized nation in the world that doesn’t guarantee access to healthcare. Tens of millions of Americans don’t go to the doctor because of how much it costs. Millions more are saddled with crippling medical debt.
We can and must implement universal healthcare, John. While it won’t happen overnight, the next representative from Florida’s 15th must make universal healthcare coverage a priority.
I am the only candidate who has made universal healthcare a centerpiece of their campaign and I need your support to win my August 23rd primary.
John, if you think healthcare is a human right, can you chip in $5 to my grassroots campaign?
Eddie Geller