BREAKING: "House passes sweeping Pelosi bill to lower drug prices"

"'What I hear most often is not impeachment, it's not what's on the front page of The Washington Post, it's 'What are you going to do about the cost of our prescription drugs?' said Rep. Kim Schrier (D-Wash.), one of several freshmen facing competitive reelection races who showcased the bill on the Capitol steps on Thursday. 'And this bill is an answer to my constituents.'" - The Hill, 12/12/19


If you can't afford your health care, it doesn't matter if you're a Democrat or Republican -- you just want someone to go to bat for you.

As a person living with Type 1 diabetes and one of the few doctors (and the only woman doctor) in Congress, affordable health care is personal to Dr. Kim Schrier. That's why she's been fighting every day since taking office to make health care more affordable for everyday people.

Kim and the House Democrats just passed H.R. 3 to lower the cost of prescription drugs. This landmark legislation will allow Medicare to negotiate the price of medications and extend that price to all buyers. But that's not all.

A bill that Kim wrote to expand Medicare coverage to include vision benefits passed in the House, too. As seniors age, vision can deteriorate and eye diseases can emerge -- but with so many seniors living on a fixed income, many are forced to choose between getting an eye exam and putting food on the table.

Kim and the House have accomplished a lot this past week, but we still have more work ahead of us to make sure that every American has affordable health care.

Kim is fighting in Congress to make ALL areas of health care more affordable, but she can't keep up the fight alone. Chip in $3 or more now to help Kim, and ensure that all Americans have access to comprehensive health care at a cost that isn't prohibitive.

Thank you,

Team Schrier

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

Contributions or gifts to Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress are not tax deductible.

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