America's Strategic Oil Reserves
by Lawrence Kadish • August 10, 2022 at 10:00 am

The Biden administration in April sanctioned the sale of our nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve to the highest bidder. They have done so under the logic that putting more oil on the global market at a time when Russia has an energy stranglehold on Europe could force down the pump price of gasoline.
One could ask, as Congressional mid-term elections loom, and the price of gas soared to five dollars a gallon, has the White House made a strategic energy decision based on politics rather than on what is in the best security interests of our nation -- because the country that is among the high bidders for our oil reserves is China.
This is the China that has obliterated Tibet.
This is the China that practices slavery, torture in internment camps, forced labor, child labor and organ-harvesting on live detainees.
This is the China that has choked democracy in Hong Kong.
This is the China that threatens the freedom of 23 million Taiwanese.