From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Ilhan for Congress

It’s official, team:

We won our primary! And it’s all thanks to you.

Since I was first elected, the status quo has tried to silence our movement with the help of Republican super PACs and billionaires. But we’ve come together once again to prove that organized people beat organized money.

Our conservative primary opponent may have outraised us and gotten a boost from right-wing super PACs. But the bad-faith attacks and last-minute TV ad buys we faced this time around were no match for the strength of our people-powered movement.

Our movement won because here in MN-05 and across the country, we refuse to accept the status quo that holds so many people back from achieving their dreams.

We believe that a better, brighter future is possible.

A future where the working class is given what they’re owed and corporations pay their fair share.

A future where we put the health of our communities and our families over the profits of fossil fuel companies.

A future where the highest court in the land doesn’t take away our individual freedoms, including the right to reproductive healthcare, or curb the Environmental Protection Agency’s authority to combat climate change.

A future where our public safety systems are rooted in compassion and justice and our foreign policy is centered on human rights.

And a future where policies like Medicare for All, universal school meals, student debt cancellation, and a Green New Deal are recognized as the necessities they are.

This kind of future isn’t far out of reach — as long as we’re willing to fight for it.

There’s no telling what kind of attacks we’ll be up against in the coming months. Republicans spent upwards of $20 million to unseat me in 2020. We officially have a far-right Republican challenger who raised hundreds of thousands of dollars against us last quarter. And Donald Trump is back on the rally circuit and could decide to come to Minnesota at any time to try to undermine our movement.

But I know we can overcome anything as long as we do it together.

Thank you again for your support. I mean it when I say our campaign couldn’t have done this without you.

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar