
Yesterday, former Special Counsel Robert Mueller testified in front of Congress -- and he confirmed that Russia interfered with our 2016 election in a "sweeping and systematic fashion."

Mueller's findings are important -- not only because we deserve to know to what extent Russia attacked our democracy in 2016, but also because if we don't act now, the security of future elections could be at risk, too.

As a member of Congress, Dr. Kim Schrier is working to protect our democracy. That's why House Democrats made their first order of business passing legislation that would help strengthen our democracy and protect our elections. Democrats also passed measures that would protect state election systems and strengthen cybersecurity.

This shouldn't be a partisan issue but, unsurprisingly, Mitch McConnell is acting as a one-man roadblock to passing legislation that would shield our democracy from foreign attacks before Election Day 2020.

Together, we must make our voices heard and demand Mitch McConnell hold a vote on legislation to secure our elections and protect our democracy before the 2020 election. Add your name now.

Thank you,

Team Schrier

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

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