
Public schools are consciously going against parents’ wishes and transitioning young children in secret, under the false premise that they know what’s best for the child. 

Just ask Jennifer, whose daughter first identified as transgender at 10 years old.
At the time, her parents thought it was harmless identity exploration. But the Washington public school that Jennifer’s daughter attended quickly worked to affirm her male identity… against Jennifer and her husband’s wishes. A male teacher even asked their daughter to room in the boy’s cabin on a three-night field trip. 

Jennifer's suspicion that her daughter’s ‘male identity’ wasn’t genuine proved true less than two years later when her daughter let go of it. It’s a good thing she didn’t let the public school have its way, or her daughter’s story could have ended much differently.
With educators, politicians, health professionals, and the media all pressuring parents to affirm their children’s gender identities, Jennifer is warning that there is another possible outcome if a child is not affirmed. 

“Children are cutting off their healthy breasts and testicles and doing things to their bodies that they can't undo,” Jennifer told IWF. “Of course parents are concerned. These decisions carry a heavy medical burden, which they will have for the rest of their life. We don't even know all the health consequences at this point.”

“It's an experiment happening right now on children.”
Jennifer’s story is a chilling example of our nation’s public schools working against parents at the expense of children in pursuit of a dangerous, misguided ideology.

Please share this with your friends and loved ones to warn them about what schools are doing behind parents’ backs. 

Kelsey Bolar
Executive producer of the film