✅If you want a woman in Congress to get the job done, put making a contribution today on your To Do List!
I hear from constituents every day and they are telling me that gun safety, a woman's right to choose, climate change, our infrastructure, and supporting our allies in Israel and NATO are the most important issues that they need action on. And the must-do list goes on: universal health care, affordable housing, social justice and human rights for people of color, LGBTQ+, and immigrants, supporting working families, seniors, and students, returning the full SALT deduction to our district, and last but not least, ensuring our voting rights.
To get a list like this done, we’ll need two things. First, we need a Congressperson who does more than say nice things, but who actually has a record of listening to the community and making meaningful change. Second, we need YOUR help in the next two weeks as a volunteer and donor.
Won’t you strike an item off YOUR To Do list for today by donating now?
P.S. See me and the other candidates today, Wednesday, August 10, in the Fleetwood Candidates’ Forum (click this Facebook Live link at 7pm to view).