Biggs for

When asked in an interview about the pace of the impeachment process, Nancy Pelosi offered a jaw dropping confession:

"It's been going on for 22 months. Two and a half years actually."
--Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi's confession is a GAME CHANGER! She and her radical Democrats have been trying to remove President Trump from Day One regardless of the truth!

This hasn't been about justice, truth, or even the Russian collusion hoax. Democrats and their deep-state conspirators have torn this country apart because of their paranoid hatred of Donald Trump!

You won't see Pelosi's stunning confession on any mainstream news site or left-wing news outlet. That's why I need your IMMEDIATE help to get the word out that even the Democrats are starting to acknowledge their own impeachment case is one big fraud.

The Democrats are spending millions to sweep the truth under the rug and it's time we fight back to expose Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff for the scam artists they really are.

Your donation of $20, $25, $50, $100 or however much you can give will give us the resources we need to put an end to Democrats' vindictive impeachment fantasies once and for all.


Andy Biggs,
Member of Congress

P.S. Nancy Pelosi and Democrats have a near monopoly on the mainstream media outlets in this country. If our message is going to break through, we need to spend a lot of money. Help our message cut through the Democrats' media monopoly by making a game changing donation of $250 or more right now.

Paid for by Biggs for Congress

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