We need you to be part of our National Action Weekend. We're gathering in key constituencies across England and Wales to get the next MPs elected. Are you with us?



For decades, people in the UK knew about the threat of climate change. Yet when it came to our MPs, none were taking the threat seriously. 


Then in 2010, everything changed. Together, we elected Caroline Lucas. Her effect has been nothing short of heroic. Suddenly, politicians of all stripes were falling over themselves trying to look like they were taking action on the climate. It was the proof we needed that when we get Greens elected, it changes the conversation.

Carla Denyer and Caroline Lucas. Image Credit: Jon Craig

Then they moved the goalposts. Brexit, the pandemic, the cost of living; the government has caused one crisis after another, while the opposition is fighting with itself. Between them, they’ve tried to push the climate down the agenda.


We need to change the conversation again, and this time, we need a Green team to change it; we can’t expect Caroline to do it on her own. We all need to pitch in.

That’s why on September 10/11, we need you to travel to one of these key target constituencies where we are most likely to get the next Green MP elected, and be part of our National Action Weekend.

We’re not waiting for a new Prime Minister to call an election and tell us what it’s about. We’re getting ready for the next election now, because we have to make it the climate election. We have to get more Green MPs elected to change the conversation for good.


Across the country, Green campaigners are rising up, ready to win big at the next General Election. In Bristol West, we hold 16 out of 20 councillors already. In Suffolk, we’re on the cusp of taking majority control of a district council. In Herefordshire, we’re already in administration. 

Other Action Weekends have been incredible. Activists from across England and Wales have travelled to them and had an excellent time. They got full training, a lovely lunch, and made strong connections with like minded people. In fact, some of them enjoyed it so much, they’ve already signed up to come back - and invited their friends to come too!


If we all gather together in the places where we have the best chance of winning MPs, it will happen. We need you there too, to make change together. Where will you join us?


🌿 Bristol

🌿 Herefordshire

🌿 Suffolk

🌿 Brighton and Hove

🌿 Sheffield


In solidarity,


Green Team


p.s. If you can't make it to the Action Weekend, but still want to help us get our next Green MPs you can join us and become a member here