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Wednesday, August 10th, 2022


Gestapo Democrats

Paul Craig Roberts

Trump Raid? What the Hell Is Wrong With This Picture?

Gary D. Barnett

The Gringos Are Coming!

The Good Citizen

The Masque of Pandora

Alastair Crooke

3 Things Most People Don’t Know About Gold, Bitcoin, and Money

Nick Giambruno

Sicko Gender Clinics, Puberty Blockers

Jon Rappoport

Fourteen Young Canadian Docs Die After Getting the Shot

Steve Kirsch

‘If You Control the Food Supply, You Control Everything’

Robert W Malone MD, MS

Interview: F. William Engdahl on Dutch Farmer Revolt & The War on Food


Deep State Slams Free Speech Pioneer Alex Jones

Michael Baxter

The Peace of God

Bionic Mosquito

Scott Ritter—Biden’s Mouth is Writing Checks the US Military Can’t Cash’ – Video

Janko Ilkovski

LRC Blog

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