The next 3 weeks are critical
to kill the 5 remaining 'Bad' Bills
Take action TODAY - Won't take more than 10 minutes!
August 8, 2022 Update: Bills were heard in the Appropriations Committee last week. Other than SB 866 which is already on the Assembly floor, all the bills A Voice for Choice Advocacy is opposed to were put in the Suspense File. The stated intent of the Suspense File is to consider all of the bills with a fiscal impact above a certain threshold at the same time (i.e., vote on all of the fiscal bills once all of them have been heard and are before the committee members on a single day). In this way, the fiscal committee can make decisions on all of the bills that have a fiscal impact at one time, rather than each week when they meet during the course of the Legislative Session.
Both Appropriations Committees will hear the Suspense File bills on this Thursday, August 11, 2022. This is a critical week. Before Thursday, please call the legislators on the Assebmly and Senate Appropriations Committee, asking them to hold these bills in Suspense and not pass them out of Appropriations.
Take Action TODAY!
In the next 3 weeks, A Voice for Choice Advocacy will be sending out Action Alerts which will take no longer than 10 minutes of your time, but AVFCA needs you to commit to that 10 minutes to kill these "Bad" bills. Today, please call the legislators on the Assebmly and Senate Appropriations Committee, asking them to hold these bills in Suspense. If a staffer doesn't answer, leave a message.
1) For SB 1479 (Sen. Pan’s School Covid Testing Bill) and SB 1419 (Sen. Becker’s Medical Consent Bill) call the following Assembly member offices (sample script and details below):
Assembly member Chris Holden (916) 319-2041
Assembly member Frank Bigelow (916) 319-2005
Assembly member Isaac Bryan (916) 319-2054
Assembly member Lisa Calderon (916) 319-2057
Assembly member Wendy Carrillo (916) 319-2051
Assembly member Megan Dahle (916) 319-2001
Assembly member Laurie Davies (916) 319-2073
Assembly member Mike Fong (916) 319-2049
Assembly member Vince Fong (916) 319-2034
Assembly member Jesse Gabriel (916) 319-2045
Assembly member Eduardo Garcia (916) 319-2056
Assembly member Marc Levine (916) 319-2010
Assembly member Bill Quirk (916) 319-2020
Assembly member Robert Rivas (916) 319-2030
Assembly member Akilah Weber (916) 319-2079
Assembly member Lori Wilson (916) 319-2011
Sample Script: "I am calling to ask the Assembly member to vote to keep SB 1479, Senator Pan’s school COVID testing bill, and SB 1419, Senator Becker’s medical privacy bill, in suspense and not pass them out of the Assembly Appropriations Committee this Thursday.”
If you wish to share more details on why:
SB 1479 – Is outdated and discriminates against those who cannot test for medical or neurological reasons. It also will costs schools thousands of dollars which should be spent on education not obsolete testing plans.
SB 1419 – Would force parents to go to court to get their children’s medical records in times of emergency, potentially causing delayed medical care, or in times of death.
2) For AB 1797 (Asm. Weber’s Immunization Registry Bill) and AB 2098 (Asm. Low’s COVID Misinformation/Disinformation Bill call the following Senator’s offices (sample script and details below):
Senator Anthony Portantino: (916) 651-4025
Senator Patricia Bates: (916) 651-4036
Senator Steven Bradford: (916) 651-4035
Senator Brian Jones: (916) 651-4038
Senator Sydney Kamlager: (916) 651-4030
Senator John Laird: (916) 651-4017
Senator Bob Wieckowski: (916) 651-4410
Sample Script: "I am calling to ask the Senator to vote to keep Ab 1797, Assembly Weber’s Immunization Registry bill, and AB 2098, Assembly Member Low’s COVID misinformation/disinformation bill, in suspense and not pass them out of the Senate Appropriations Committee this Thursday.”
If you wish to share more details on why:
AB 1797 – Will require all vaccinations for all Californians to be entered into the California Immunization Registry, with no way for private consumers to opt out. This is the first step to vaccine passports and discriminating people based on their vaccine status.
AB 2098 – The CA Medical Board already has the ability to discipline doctors for giving misinformation or disinformation to patients in their office. This bill is duplicative and unnecessary. The CA Medical Board does not currently support this bill.
Those bills that make it out of the Assembly and Senate Appropriations committees this Thursday will then be vote on by the full Assembly and the full Senate, before going back to the other house for Concurrence and then on to the Governor's desk by September 1, 2022.
A Voice for Choice Advocacy continues to do all we can to ensure the demise of the five remaining "bad" bills. But we can't do this without your support! While A Voice for Choice Advocacy's lobbying activity in the Capitol is important, your positive constituent relationships with your CA State Senator and Assembly Member (https://findyourrep.legislature.ca.gov/) and their staff are critical to assisting with A Voice for Choice Advocacy's efforts in the Capitol. As well as making the calls above, if you haven't met with them, please be sure to sign up for their newsletters, go to their events, and ask their staff for a meeting. The next 3 weeks are critical.
If you found this information helpful and appreciate the work A Voice for Choice Advocacy is doing, please support us by making a donation today.

Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
