Vega reveals more about her stance on abortion.


Yesli Vega has been one of the most outspoken anti-choice candidates in Virginia this election season, from misrepresenting the truth about abortion and sexual assault, to attacking women seeking abortions. We need pro-choice Democrats representing Virginia in Washington.

Will you chip in right now to keep Vega and other anti-choice extremists out of Congress?

In a recently leaked recording, Vega questioned whether or not it’s “acceptable” for states to allow for freedom of choice:

“You have the other liberal states where they’re gonna have a free-for-all at taking innocent life, and that’s where we have to step in and say ‘What is acceptable and what is not?’”

– Yesli Vega

It seems like Yesli would be in favor of a national abortion ban to prevent “liberal states” from guaranteeing the right to an abortion.

Folks, that’s why this November’s election is so critically important. We can’t afford to sit this one out while extremists like Yesli Vega attack the underpinnings of our rights. Will you contribute to help us stop Yesli Vega from getting to Congress in November?

VA Democrats

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