Vikram For N.H Weekly Newsletter
August 9, 2022
Vikram Visits BOTH SIDES of the Southern Border

Vikram recently traveled to the U.S.-Mexico border and saw first-hand the problems America is experiencing as part of the Joe Biden-Maggie Hassan border security and immigration crisis. He met with business and political leaders in Texas and New Mexico and spent time on both the Mexican and American sides of the border. One of the more insightful findings of his trip was that it was easier for humans to cross the border illegally than cattle. That's right, livestock are inspected, tagged, and must have their papers in order to cross the border. As he says in the video linked below, "we have a secure border, at least for cattle."

From the need to finish the wall, protect our country from the inflow of drugs, criminals and terrorists, and to safely conduct legitimate business with Latin American countries, there is so much to be done. Vikram is the son of two working-class immigrants who proudly recall handing in their green cards to get their naturalization papers, after taking an oath to the United States. It's time to send someone to Washington who understands America is a shining city on a hill, a welcoming and generous nation, that compassionately welcomes those seeking a better life. These thoughts are not in opposition to a secure border. As Vikram notes, he's for a "tall wall and a wide gate." We must stop the illegal immigration.
WMUR: Vikram was the last to join the race but has vaulted to the front of the pack

On Sunday, July 31, WMUR News 9 aired a segment with the network’s Political Director, Adam Sexton, with Vikram discussing his recent border trip, tackling inflation, and our growing campaign. Watch it HERE. The segment ran after a segment with Senator Maggie Hassan and it proved to be a great contrast between her negativity and Vikram’s positive message.
Vikram is the first candidate to run TV ads

Vikram was the first Republican primary U.S. Senate candidate to launch a television ad buy. Buoyed by the campaign’s strong donor fundraising, the ad hit the airwaves at the end of July. Of the spot, Vikram said, “I am not a career politician and I haven’t spent my life looking for some office for which to run. I am a businessman and I have spent my career in the real world helping entrepreneurs and Fortune 500 companies create jobs."

View Vikram’s T.V. Ad HERE
Vikram Op-ed: Stop the Woke Cultural Revolution ripping America apart

Last week, the Concord Monitor featured a piece written by Vikram about the Woke Cultural Revolution that is tearing at the fabric of our country. It’s written from his experience teaching at some of America’s leading universities.

In the piece, Vikram asserts: “All countries and peoples need a common history and set of shared values. If we no longer share a common American identity, a common American story, with the same heroes and idols, are we destined to fray?”

Outworking the competition

Vikram continues to outwork the other candidates, crisscrossing the state and campaigning hard. He recently attended the Salem GOP August meeting, the Rye GOP Picnic, the Cheshire County Fair, and knocked doors and spoke directly with primary voters in South Nashua!