Dear lover of liberty

Within hours of the U.S. Senate voting to allow Joe Biden to hire 87,000 new IRS agents, Biden authorized the FBI to raid Donald Trump’s house.

Let there be no doubt, Biden and the liberals have decided to use the full might and fury of U.S. Government against anyone who stands against them.

Biden’s ARMY of agents will be used against YOU and ME and conservatives across America.

Every conservative voter in the U.S. must understand this. 

Every independent must understand this, too.

And before they vote.

I need your help to run ads in key House districts and states to educate voters about these new 87,000 IRS agents and Biden’s plan for using them.

Please help us so by making a generous online emergency contribution to Americans for Limited Government (ALG).

Even $5 will help us get these ads going.

Please, just click here.

This is urgent.

87,000 new IRS agents will DOUBLE the size of the IRS.

Remember Lois Lerner and the Tea Party?

Obama used IRS agents to harass ordinary Americans because of their political views.

Now Biden wants to expand the IRS to be twice as large as the entire British Army!!!

Every American voter needs to know about this.

Please help us run these urgent ads.

This is a dangerous time in America.

The very second the Senate voted to give Biden his IRS army . . .

. . . his politicized Justice Department was planning to fly a special team of FBI agents to Florida . . .

. . . and crash through the gates of Mar-a-Lago early in the morning!

Just imagine what 87,000 IRS agents will be allowed to do to you or me!

Please, help us strike back.

Help us educate voters about where their elected officials stand.

There is no more important issue in America right now.

Every American in the key districts and states must see our ads.

Please do what you can!

Biden and his goons must not be allowed to get away with this.


Rick Manning

President of Americans for Limited Government

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