From Andrew Yang <[email protected]>
Subject Take a look at our new climate crisis ad:
Date December 12, 2019 7:59 PM
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[ Andrew ]Andrew Yang for President

Yang Gang --

We just launched a new ad where I outline what steps need to be taken to address the disastrous effects of climate

The truth is that the time to take action was years ago.  So there’s no time to waste, and I’ll prioritize taking
action on day one of my presidency.

[ [link removed]- ]Take a look at our new ad and chip in to keep it on the air:

[ [link removed]- ]Our climate is in crisis. Ad screenshot

Everyone is going to be affected by climate change, especially our country’s most vulnerable populations.  We can’t
leave anyone behind.

But it’s over for big polluters.  We need to stop giving them subsidies and tax breaks and start investing that
money in solutions that will heal our climate and make our environment healthier for our children.

[ [link removed]- ]If you’re with me, watch our new ad and contribute
or whatever you can.

[ [link removed]- ]Contribute

It’s going to be tough, but together we can mitigate some of the devastation that’s coming.


We don't have corporate PACs or big donors who can close the fundraising gap we face,
just grassroots donors like you powering this campaign. Please give now.

[ [link removed]- ]Contribute

Paid for by Friends of Andrew Yang

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