Dear John,
This is what being fired up looks like! Kansans showed up and voted in historically high numbers to resoundingly protect abortion rights in their state constitution.
Kansans showed the nation what we already know to be true: the power of grassroots organizing. The Feminist Majority is doing what Kansans did to secure victory--we're on the ground in battleground states because we are determined to elect a Congress that will restore abortion rights nationwide.
Here's what we must do:
Action #1: Maintain the Democrat's majority in the House and increase Democratic seats in the U.S. Senate. This will enable us to break the filibuster and pass the Women's Health Protection Act, a nationwide law to restore Roe in every state.
Action #2: Place the Equal Rights Amendment in the U.S. Constitution. This is our only permanent insurance against the attacks by right-wing politicians on women's rights and equality, and whose power is protected by voter suppression and their majorities in state legislatures earned through gerrymandering.
You see, Action #1—Federal restoration of Roe will protect women in every state while we work to enshrine the ERA in the Constitution. Action #2—the ERA—ends sex discrimination in the federal and state laws of our country, once and for all.
Both Actions are doable. In fact, very doable.
That’s why holding Democratic control of the House and increasing the Democratic majority in the Senate by gaining a net of 2 Democatic seats. And when we succeed we will bust the filibuster that is blocking progress for reproductive rights, voting rights and equality.
Together, we can do it--if we organize to get out the vote. Recent polls make clear that outraged Women together with activated Young Voters are likely to provide the winning margin for Democrats in key races for the House and the Senate. We must help make it happen.
I'm personally urging you to take action by contributing what you can--whether $5, $15 or $50 or more to help us mobilize an historic feminist drive for this year's mid-terms to achieve both ACTION #1 and ACTION #2.
Given the Feminist Majority’s history of organizing on college campuses and widening and winning with the Gender Gap, the goal of our campaign is to mobilize the student vote in key battleground states where we can hold the Democratic majority in the House and flip and hold the U.S. Senate seats and elect pro-ERA, pro-abortion rights, pro-democracy Democrats and bust Mitch McConnell's filibuster power.
We must increase the votes of young people (18-29) and turn women's outrage into a tsunami of votes. It was especially young people's votes, as well as the gender gap, that made the decisive difference in the close and victorious mid-term elections of 2018, and again in the elections of 2020.
That’s why through Feminist Majority Vote Equality ’22 mobilization we are activating teams of organizers to get out the college student vote in battleground states. We’ll do what we’ve successfully done before and turn out the college student vote in record numbers.
Please join me and Help Finish the Job
Nothing is as important to the future of all who believe in equality and democracy than defeating the right-wing extremists. For this reason, nothing becomes more important in the months ahead than taking action to hold the Democratic majority in the House and bust Mitch McConnell’s filibuster power in Senate.
With all the preparation that’s gone into launching this year’s Feminist Majority Vote Equality ’22 Campaign I’m convinced this is a solid opportunity to not only help win a working majority control of the Senate, but to finish what we all have worked for so long and so hard for—placing the Equal Rights Amendment in the Constitution.
Please make your early money contribution today and help drive the student and women's vote to record levels.
Most importantly, thank you for always being strong for equality.
For equality,

Eleanor Smeal
P.S. If we can add a net of just two more Senate wins, we'll have a 52-48 Democratic majority that can stop Mitch McConnell's filibuster without Senators Manchin and Sinema.
Contributions to Feminist Majority are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes because of our lobbying and electoral work for women's rights. Donations may be used for political purposes. By contributing you confirm that you are a citizen or permanent legal resident of the U.S. and are donating your own funds. Feminist Majority is solely responsible for this communication. Feminist Majority does not engage in any electoral activity or make political expenditures in cooperation or coordination with any candidate or candidate committee.