While claiming to address the very real threat of anti-Semitism, the legislation and the executive order seem designed primarily to have a chilling effect on free speech and to crack down on campus critics of Israel. They treat a broad range of nonviolent
J Street

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When President Trump issued a controversial executive order yesterday related to anti-Semitism on college campuses, confusion abounded.

But at J Street, we recognized the impact of the executive order right away -- and understood exactly why it’s so dangerous.

The president’s executive order is virtually identical to problematic proposed legislation called the “Anti-Semitism Awareness Act.”

The legislation, just like this EO, was marketed as addressing the very real threat of anti-Semitism on campuses. But its only real-world impact would have been to chill the freedom of speech of critics of Israel on campus. And that's what this EO will do. By defining a broad range of criticism of Israel as anti-Semitic, the order empowers Trump administration officials to penalize campuses for not sufficiently policing debate and discussion about Israel.

At J Street, we understand that anti-Semitism is a scourge, and we’re committed to fighting vociferously against it in all its forms. But this EO -- and the legislation it is based on -- are not about fighting anti-Semitism. They are about redefining anti-Semitism to stifle free speech.

Working alongside the ACLU, anti-Semitism scholars and other partners, J Street succeeded in blocking this harmful legislation from passing in Congress. So, now President Trump has circumvented us and Congress -- by issuing an executive order.

We’re on the front lines, making clear that Donald Trump has no right to speak for American Jews -- and that his actions, words and ideology only make our community less safe. Can you support J Street today to help us keep up our fight?

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Even Kenneth S. Stern, the expert who drafted the definition of anti-Semitism adopted by this executive order, has publicly opposed its application to college campuses -- writing that "If this bill becomes law…students and faculty members will be scared into silence, and administrators will err on the side of suppressing or censuring speech."

There’s no doubt that anti-Semitism is on the rise, and that it must be confronted and fought wherever it's found. Yet this is just the latest move in the administration’s disgraceful push to turn the issue of anti-Semitism into a partisan political weapon, instead of seriously combating it in all its forms.

It’s outrageous for President Trump to pretend to care about anti-Semitism during the same week in which he once again publicly spouted anti-Semitic tropes about Jews and money -- and while he continues to promote the same white nationalist, xenophobic ideology that has led to violent attacks on American Jews.

At the same time, we know that it’s wrong to treat campus critics of Israel as the main threat to American Jews -- and to trample on the First Amendment in order to silence legitimate debate on campus. It should also be clear from his comments, ideology and allies that Donald Trump has no interest in seriously combating anti-Semitism and that his administration cannot be trusted to address this issue responsibly and in good-faith.

At J Street, we believe that one important way to fight anti-Semitism and to promote a better future for Israelis and Palestinians is to remain true to our Jewish and democratic values.

That means standing up for the First Amendment and legitimate debate, even when we have strong disagreements. It means challenging demagogic leaders who shamelessly target vulnerable minority communities and traffic in anti-Semitic stereotypes -- even when they claim that their far-right “support for Israel” makes them a friend to our community.

In these incredibly challenging times for our community, J Street’s work has never been more vital. Can you chip in today to give us the resources we need to stand up to President Trump and his enablers?

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Thank you for standing with us,

Jessica Smith
Chief Operating Officer, J Street

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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