Today is the Primary Election here in Minnesota and polls are officially open NOW until 8PM!
Twenty-nine of our endorsed candidates are on the Primary Election ballot and this is a critical election: If we are going to elect pro-choice champions and majorities in November, we need to make sure pro-choice women are on the ballot.
We put together a Primary Election Voter Guide for you to find Women Winning endorsed candidates on your ballot today. Click HERE to view the voter guide.
Once you know which pro-choice champions are on your ballot, find your polling place at and grab a friend to go vote. Remember: Polls close at 8PM!
We must vote for leaders who will protect abortion rights and work to expand access here in Minnesota. Our communities and neighbors are counting on us.
Thanks for being a voter!
Team Women Winning
Women Winning is a Minnesota non-profit corporation that is recognized as a tax-exempt 501(c)(4) organization. Contributions are not tax-deductible for income tax purposes.
Women Winning
2233 University Avenue West
Suite 310
Saint Paul, MN 55114
United States