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Breaking! Help FRC Broadcast Truth

Dear John,

After a year of planning, hiring, and significant work, FRC finally launched our own media outlet--The Washington Stand--on June 1. And it wasn't a moment too soon.

On June 10, the once-traditionally conservative Fox News aired a lengthy interview with a San Diego County family that wrapped radical gender identity ideology in unbiblical religious verbiage. Here's an excerpt from our report that summed up that nationally aired TV segment:

On Friday, Fox News Channel aired a story praising a family who allowed a five-year-old girl to begin transitioning to the opposite sex, claiming that the move was inspired by their "conservative faith," and that God "created" the child transgender . . .

The report noted the family supported [her] transition to a boy at age five and strongly implied that children whose parents "push back" against their gender identity will commit suicide. In reality, multiple studies show that 80 to 95% of children with gender dysphoria accept their birth sex by age 18. "The good news is: They're going to grow out of it. Don't mess them up," said John Whitehall, professor of pediatrics at Australia's Western Sydney University.

I'd encourage you to go to The Washington Stand and read the full article, which quotes a dozen sources--current and time-tested--exposing prevalent lies on this topic.

As we saw during so-called "Pride Month," even media that calls itself "conservative" has no qualms broadcasting harmful propaganda.

That's why FRC has launched The Washington Stand alongside our daily Washington Watch broadcast: to empower you with a credible news stream tethered to biblical truth.

Will you help us? Whether large or small, every amount you contribute goes a long way in accelerating FRC's mission to advance faith, family, and freedom.


Every day, more Christians are seeking out news content they can trust and analysis that enables them to better understand the times in which we live.

The reach of FRC's daily Washington Watch program, which I've hosted for the past nine years, has grown exponentially with almost 800 radio stations now airing our flagship program with daily exclusive insights and newsmaker interviews.

And it's moved far beyond radio over the past two years, as several networks are now airing it as a TV program including NRBTV on DIRECTV, HisChannel, and LiftableTV.

It takes real time, talent, and treasure to deliver a quality news program, which we accomplish thanks to the investment of supporters like you.

In addition to our modest studio in Washington, D.C., last year, FRC acquired and is currently renovating property in Louisiana to be a state-of-the-art TV broadcast ministry hub.

Will you partner with FRC in this exciting and vital work of advocating for truth?


Already, our team has built a small but fully functional broadcast studio and control room that we use to record and directly live-stream Washington Watch.

It's been a strong proof of the concept, as more and more engaged Christian conservatives have been tuning in to our daily program. But that's only a start to developing this strategic space.

To enhance our video broadcasts and ultimately expand their distribution, we intend to fully utilize this 41,000-square-foot facility--building multiple broadcast studio sets, including a primary space with an LED video wall and room for a live, 250-person studio audience.

Clearly, the media landscape today has a massive void. People of faith desire accurate information and commentary that affirms a biblical worldview--or, at the very least, doesn't attack their core beliefs.

FRC is working to fill that need!

FRC's vital mission to impact the culture can only advance with your faithful support. I thank you in advance for doing your part. Rest assured that we will do ours!

Donate Now
P.S. - More people are waking up to the truth: we have to be skeptical of corporate media, even those that claim to be "conservative." FRC aims to provide a reliable news stream grounded in a biblical worldview. Can you give today to support our mission of advancing biblical truth in public policy and the culture, including this important new effort to seek and speak truth?
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