Green Party of Canada

Dear Friend,

Politics are more than what is in your heart.

As Greens we all see the world the same way, and back up our beliefs with support, conversations with friends, and votes. After the last election, we surveyed Greens and got more than 3,000 replies. This tells us what you want from us, moving forward.

It’s valuable information, but it’s not enough. We need to know how to convince the ‘almost-Greens’ to act on their belief that we are the party the future needs. Knowing that will instruct us how to reach out in a way that will resonate with them.

That’s the survey we need to do, but getting good non-member data costs.

And that’s why we need your help now.

To get this critical data we need 300 members to donate $25 each (as low as $6.25 after tax credits) or 100 donating $75 each (as low as $18.75 after tax credit). Please step up and help us build the data we need to help us win more seats in the next election.

The wind is back in our sails. Canada needs us. Help us find the key to bring them into your Party.



Dana M. Taylor, CAE
Interim Executive Director
Green Party of Canada


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Authorized by the Green Party of Canada Fund, Chief Agent for the Green Party of Canada.