In a few hours time, this election will be over. When that happens, you will be inundated with news about the results, followed by opinions on what it means.

This isn't that.

Instead, I'd like to look at what we have achieved in the last five weeks.

When this campaign began, Nigel Farage was talking about winning dozens of seats for his dangerous, divisive Brexit Party, and holding the balance of power in a divided parliament.

Whatever happens tonight - that will not be the outcome.

What we did together wasn't glamourous. It wasn't about rallies, campaign buses, rousing speeches or eye-catching policies. Instead we protected the flank - defending the progress that has already been made, watching out for new forms of the politics of prejudice and shining a light on those trying to divide us.

We exposed a far-right activist and others in the Brexit Party, the Conservative candidate promoting far-right content and stood against antisemitism in Labour.

Our job was not to help anyone win, our job was to make sure that hate lost. And Nigel Farage has lost this election.

If you believe, as I do, that what we do at HOPE not hate has value, then please consider joining our HOPE Action Fund today to help us do more of it.

Read on below to learn more about what we collectively did in this election, and never forget what we can achieve when we work together.


Nick Lowles.

Join the HOPE Action Fund

The HOPE not hate research team and the HOPE not hate media team ran a hard-charging operation for this election, exposing hate wherever we found it. We took on the Brexit Party - exposing their offensive, and often absurd, candidates. But we also took on hate elsewhere, campaigning against Chris Williamson in Derby North and Karl McCartney in Lincoln.

HOPE not hate campaign organisers were out across the country. From Stoke to Newport, Bristol to The Peak District - we had boots on the ground. Hundreds of you stepped up to organise campaign events, including two seperate national weekends of action, and then hundreds of you stepped up to volunteer.

We printed multiple versions of leaflets, and used advanced targeting techniques to talk to people in the way that would best convince them. We produced and delivered letters from leaders in local areas, asking their neighbours to vote for HOPE. This wasn't a one-size-fits-all campaign.

We ran a state-of-the-art digital advertising campaign, running thousands of variations of Facebook ads across the country, and using advanced data to target people with messages that would best activate them.

Through our General Election Fighting Fund, we raised over £70,000 which allowed us to run the campaigns I talked about above, and gave us the vital funding we needed to keep Nigel Farage as far away from power as possible. This is all down to HOPE not hate supporters.

Hate doesn't just exist during an election.

Whatever the outcome tonight, the divisions that have racked our society for the last four years won't be going away, and it's our job to take on those who seek to exploit them.

By joining the HOPE Action Fund, you can support the work we do, all year round, to counter hate and build communities.

Will you become a member today?

Join the HOPE Action Fund

Published by HOPE not hate Ltd. PO Box 61382, London, N19 9EQ
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If you'd like to fund our work in a more sustainable way, you can join the HOPE Action Fund here.