Today, as we break temperature records, Greta Thunberg and the young school strikers are calling on millions of adults across the world to join them in a Global Climate Strike. Will you be there, too? Watch this message from Greta and feel inspired!

Hi John,

Today, the temperatures in the UK are hitting a record-breaking 39 degrees. It has literally never been this hot before. The climate crisis is making headlines again.

When it’s this hot, doing anything can feel like too much. But I’m going to ask you to do something. I will ask you to watch a video, and hear the message Greta Thunberg has for you and for every adult across the world, concerned about this burning-hot planet.

John, can you take 2 minutes to watch and share this video of Greta Thunberg calling for a Global Climate Strike?

Greta’s one-person school strike has sparked a movement of millions. Now, it’s time we, adults, left the sidelines and joined the fight led by the striking schoolkids. 

Starting on 20 September and culminating a week later, the world is going on strike. We’re striking from work, walking out of offices, classrooms and shops (and in my case, my heatwave-proof basement!). Some of us will take the full day off work, some will join an event on their lunch break or simply post a selfie in support of the strike. We’ll show the politicians and the super rich that we no longer support business as usual, which has brought our climate to the brink of collapse.

John, this September history will be made. Right now, all I’m asking of you is to pledge that you will support the Global Climate Strike in whatever way is possible for you - that’s all. 

After you sign up, over the next weeks you will get all the information you need to join a climate strike closest to your home, or guidance and support on how to be a good ally and how to organise your own walkout. 

I’m excited about what comes next. Can I count you in?


Ellen, for the team

PS. To get millions of people on the streets, first we need to reach them with this call to action. You have an important role to play, so please: help build this moment and make sure you share the video with Greta’s message. You have more power than you know to influence your friends and colleagues - please use it to invite them to join the strikes! is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing.

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