It's clear that Adam
Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the
likes are on a MISSION to overturn the 2016 election. The scary thing
is, what they are doing to President Trump...?they will do to future
The Democrats
have introduced two articles of impeachment against President Trump,
and both of them hold no water. He has done?NOTHING?wrong.
lost on the Russian Collusion conspiracy, and then immediately went to
a new impeachment scam. This is a?Russian Collusion conspiracy 2.0.
the Democrats are doing is hiding Joe Biden's Ukranian corruption, and
instead are trying to accuse President Trump of wrongdoing. The
American people KNOW this!
Joe Biden and the Democrats believe they are above the law,
and clearly don't care what the American people think. There is ONE
person that does care, and he needs our SUPPORT right NOW! That is
President Trump.
Today, we are in a FIGHT with the Democrats
and need for you to contribute $10, $15, $20, $50, or

The Democrats want NOTHING more
than to silence our voice.
We all know that not ONE of their radical SOCIALIST 2020
Candidates has a chance in defeating President Trump. Their ONLY way
is trying to IMPEACH him. They're trying to take the CHOICE way from
the American people. Socialism NEVER works!
Our goal is to contribute as MUCH as we can in
HELPING President Trump defeat the Democrats.
Your voice needs to be heard, and there is NO
better way of doing that than by contributing. Again, by donating $10,
$15, $20, $50, or more will be a great effort and response to the
Democrat's IMPEACHMENT scam.
Thank you,
