We are currently in a stronger position than we have ever been to defeat Ron Johnson once and for all.
It’s because this is bigger than any one of us – and it's because of all of the people who have come together to be a part of this team.
The primary election is coming up tomorrow, and we've got some big goals to meet before then. Today I am asking you to help my campaign reach 200,000 online donations before primary day. Since this is a grassroots-funded campaign, every donation will ensure we have the resources we need to flip this seat in November.
The primary will be a huge turning point for our campaign, so we must do everything we can today to put ourselves in a position to win. Can I count on you to chip in?
Please make a $10 contribution split between my campaign and The Collective PAC if you're ready to defeat Ron Johnson and defend the Democratic Senate majority. It would mean a lot if you could chip in to help us reach 200,000 online donations before tomorrow's primary.
If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be processed immediately and split between Mandela Barnes and The Collective PAC.
This campaign is about replacing a Senator who has left working people in the dust for more than a decade while he doubled his own personal wealth and delivered for his wealthy donors.
This is about rebuilding the middle class so that all Americans can be guaranteed the opportunity to thrive.
This is about ending the corporate greed in this country that has benefited those at the top while millions of people are struggling to get by.
This is about guaranteeing abortion access to everyone regardless of where they live, protecting the right to vote, and so many other important issues.
These past couple weeks have demonstrated what it looks like when we come together for a goal that is greater than ourselves. Together we are building a coalition that crosses generations, crosses racial divides and political divides. A coalition that includes farmers, union leaders, teachers, small business owners, and working people all across this state.
That’s how we beat Scott Walker in 2018 with the highest midterm turnout on record – by bringing everyone together from every corner of the state. And that’s exactly how we are going to take the fight to Ron Johnson and win.
Reaching our goal of 200,000 online donations before the primary tomorrow isn't simply about how much money we raise. It's also about showing that we're building the grassroots movement that we need in order to flip Wisconsin's Senate seat.
So I'm asking one more time:
Can you please make a $10 contribution split between my campaign and The Collective PAC today? We've set an ambitious goal of 200,000 online donations before primary day, and we'll only reach it if everyone chips in.
I have been very humbled by the level of support our campaign has received over the past week. It means a lot to me personally, and also to our chances to win this race.
Thank you for adding a contribution today.
All my best,
The Collective PAC is strategically focused on creating a truly equitable democracy where our nation’s local, state and federal governments have diverse and talented elected leadership and Black people are fully represented in positions of
power to create the policies necessary to progress our communities forward. Since our inception in 2016, we have helped 110 candidates win general elections at the local, state and federal levels. We strive to support the next wave of
progressive and unapologetic Black candidates who will usher in a sea of change in our political system while helping America fulfill its promise of democracy by creating a government that will truly be for the people and of the people.
To Donate by Check: PO Box 15320, DC 20003
Paid for by the Collective PAC; not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. |
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