Hi John, in between celebrating our birthday (and Lizz’s!) we’ve been busy planning how to make sure y’all have manageable information on how to keep fighting for abortion access in this Post-Roe terror of a world. Here is our weekly round-up of where AAF is showing up and where YOU can show up as well.
Abortion Access Front and FBK Live! will be coming at you from Netroots Nation in Pittsburgh August 18 - 20! Not only will Feminist Buzzkills will be doing the podcast live Thursday, Friday, and Saturday with badass guests, Lizz be moderating a panel on how we move forward in a post-Roe world with providers and activists including AAF Community Engagement Coordinator Kristin Hady as a panelist. PLUS, Moji is on a panel about Fake Clinics, and Kat is talking digital security on a panel.
Help INeedAnA.com make sure their clinic data is as up to date and useful as possible all from the socially distanced comfort of your home! The next digital clinic escort volunteer event will be Saturday, August 20 3:00 - 5:00 PM Eastern and you can fill out this form to sign up.
The Bay Area Doula Project is hosting an intensive Abortion Support Training on September 10th and 11th over Zoom with the application closing on August 24th. This open-call training series will focus on tools and skills to aid in offering abortion support within your community. You can learn more and apply here.
Check out all the opportunities coming up by hitting the activist calendar button below!
NYC friends, we hope to see you even sooner! AAF is gonna be at Riot Grrrl Fest this Wednesday, August 10th with Weird Sister Records at Elsewhere in Brooklyn. You’re gonna need an extra large tote bag for all the great music, zines and art, plus resources on taking action for abortion access! Come rage with us and buy your tickets here!