From Stop Joe Manchin <>
Subject Sign the petition: We’re in a climate emergency!
Date August 8, 2022 5:39 PM
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A deluge of floodwater in Kentucky literally swept homes away, leaving
local residents there with suddenly nothing but the clothes on their
backs. Meanwhile four people have now died in California’s latest
out-of-control wildfire.

If it seems like almost every week there’s a new climate disaster
happening it’s because almost every week there is a new climate disaster.
From recording breaking heat and droughts to unusually heavy storms and
damaging rainwater it’s clear that climate change is wreaking havoc and
destroying lives. It’s time for the White House to do something about it.

[ [link removed] ]Sign the petition: Tell President Biden to declare a climate emergency!


This isn’t a symbolic action. Under the National Emergencies Act,
declaring a state of emergency will authorize the President to halt crude
oil exports, limit oil and gas drilling in federal waters, and direct
federal agencies to boost renewable-energy sources.

It’s too late to prevent climate change related disasters – they’re
already here, and every state in the country is impacted by them in some
way. But it’s not too late to address the root causes. By stopping oil and
gas drilling and investing heavily in renewable energy, the United States
can back off the cliff of extreme weather events that are devastating
communities and claiming lives.

The next deadly flash flood or new wildfire could happen at any moment.
That’s why the White House needs to act now.

[ [link removed] ]Sign the petition: Tell President Biden to declare a climate emergency!

Thanks for taking action,

Tihi and the team at Demand Progress


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