August 8, 2022

Inflation Reduction Act Now, International Tax Reform Tomorrow

Revenue Raisers in Inflation Reduction Act Better Position U.S. for Ending Tax Dodging by Multinational Enterprises

WASHINGTON, DC – The Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (FACT) Coalition welcomes inclusion of critical investments in the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and important but incremental steps to tackle tax dodging by multinational enterprises as part of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 passed by the Senate this weekend. FACT is now calling on the House to pass this bill so that Congress can turn to permanently ending incentives for large multinationals to dodge taxes by shifting profits offshore and eroding the U.S. tax base at the expense of America’s working families and international democracy. 

The Inflation Reduction Act directs $80 billion dollars in additional funding to the IRS over the next 10 years, creates a 15% worldwide corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT) on the financial income of the largest multinationals, and imposes a 1% stock buyback excise tax on publicly traded corporations. Each of these changes is estimated to raise substantial revenue and counter tax dodging practices that are available to multinational enterprises.

“Stable, increased funding for the IRS is a long-overdue and practical investment for the United States,” said Ryan Gurule, Policy Director at the FACT Coalition. “With these funds, the IRS will be able to reinvent itself after years of underfunding and finally tackle tax evasion by the wealthiest taxpayers who often use complex legal structures to take advantage of the understaffed and overwhelmed agency. Passing this legislation will mean finally lifting the tax enforcement burden off of lower and middle class families.” 

While increased IRS funding promises to enable improved tax administration activities, the Inflation Reduction Act also begins to reverse a decades-long trend of tax reform that entrenches multinational tax dodging. 

“This Inflation Reduction Act represents a transformative shift toward finally making large multinational corporations pay a fairer share of taxes, and the House should act quickly to pass it,” said Ian Gary, Executive Director of the FACT Coalition. “But this bill cannot be the final chapter in the fight against profit-shifting and offshoring practices by large corporations. There is still too much vital revenue on the line, as tax dodging multinational corporations are still able to play games with their operational and accounting practices to shift hundreds of billions of dollars in profits each year to secretive tax havens.”

Left out of the Inflation Reduction Act were key fixes to the U.S. international tax code that would more definitively remove the incentive for large multinationals to shift profits offshore or erode the U.S. tax base. These reforms would also further an international tax agreement between 137 jurisdictions, including the United States, brokered at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). In particular, the second pillar (Pillar 2) of the OECD agreement would create a global 15% minimum effective corporate tax rate, applied on a country-by-country basis that would apply to a broader base of large multinationals than the CAMT. The Build Back Better Act would have revised the current minimum offshore profits tax in the United States–the global intangible low-income (GILTI) tax–which currently applies at only a 10.5% rate and on an aggregate basis, to reflect many of these changes, as well as made other international tax changes consistent with Pillar 2. 

“The corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT) is not a rejection of the OECD’s global minimum tax under Pillar 2; nor is it an adequate substitute technically or internationally,” said Gurule, “While CAMT emphasizes the commitment of the United States to tax global operations of large multinational corporations, it fails to tackle the multinational tax dodging problem in a way that can really only be addressed by applying corporate taxes on a multilateral and country-by-country basis.” 

FACT urges Congress, as well as Treasury and OECD members, to remain committed to enacting and improving the two-pillar framework. The multilateral nature of OECD reforms creates an important opportunity to:

“Advancing Pillar 2 will continue to raise U.S. revenues in a way that is rooted in sound tax policy for all stakeholders,” said Gary.  “It will also continue to position the United States as a global leader in tackling other international challenges on a multilateral basis and in improving our international institutions of democracy.” The FACT Coalition has previously elevated concerns regarding the OECD process from developing nations, requiring careful reflection on current democratic failures in multilateral tax negotiations, including based on equity, access, and transparency principles. 

“Our global tax systems have been abused in recent years to enable certain actors to play by a different set of rules, robbing governments in the U.S. and around the world of the resources they need to address collective challenges and undermining faith in our democratic institutions,” said Gary. “Advancing Pillar 2 can fortify the foundation of our fiscal house by discouraging tax dodging, promoting greater multilateral coordination to our greatest global challenges, and raising real revenues.”


Notes to the Editor: 


Journalist Contact:

Ryan Gurule, Policy Director
[email protected] 

About the FACT Coalition

The Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency (FACT) Coalition is a non-partisan alliance of more than 100 state, national, and international organizations working toward a fair and honest tax system that addresses the challenges of a global economy and promoting policies to combat the harmful impacts of corrupt financial practices.

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