Dear Friend,
more than 40 years the Hyde Amendment - which bans federal insurance
coverage of abortion - has prevented people from accessing the care
they need. Congress can change that by passing the EACH Woman
Introduced in both the House and the Senate, the EACH Woman Act
would eliminate federal coverage restrictions on abortion services.
That means that a person can get the abortion care they need wherever
they live and however they get their insurance.

Contact your legislators today in support of
the EACH Woman Act!
2011 there have been over 200 abortion restrictions passed in the
states. Our legislators must act now to ensure every person can access
the abortion care they need without having to worry if their insurance
will cover it.
Email your legislators today and ask them to
cosponsor the EACH Woman Act!
In solidarity,
Monica Edwards, URGE Federal Policy
Preston Mitchum, URGE Director of