
August 8, 2022

Back to School Blues: Droves of Americans Ditching Public School
by Marjorie Jackson
This summer, students aren't the only ones dreading going back to the classroom. According to staggering enrollment data, parents appear to have had a case of back-to-school blues over public education since COVID-19's onset in early 2020. In the past two years, a mass exodus of over 1.2 million students has left the public school system as parents seek alternative education routes, such as public charter schools, private schools, and homeschooling.
Is Religious Practice Dying in America? Not So Fast, Say Experts
by Dan Hart
Is religious practice in America dying? If taken at face value, the conclusion of recent studies is clear: the U.S. is becoming increasingly secular. However, other studies continue to show that religious practice leads to increased happiness, less depression, and more involvement in community life, with a religious upbringing leading to positive outcomes in adulthood. In the end, experts say, what remains evident is that despite numerous challenges and a changing landscape, Christianity in America isn't going anywhere.
Christian Flag Raised outside Boston City Hall after Supreme Court Victory
by Kenneth Chan
It took five years of litigation and a 9-0 U.S. Supreme Court ruling against the city in May for the Christian flag to finally be allowed to go up on the public forum flagpole of the Boston City Hall Plaza. Harry Mihet of the legal group Liberty Counsel, which engaged in the court battle against the city, said Wednesday was "a great day for the city of Boston, for the Christian community in the city of Boston, for freedom itself, and for the Constitution."
It's 'Not Moral' to Request Abstinence to Stop Monkeypox: LGBT Activists
by Ben Johnson
New CDC data confirm that monkeypox overwhelmingly occurs in men who identify as gay or bisexual and who engage in risky sexual behavior- yet LGBT activists have said it is "not moral" to ask men to refrain from sex until the government can get the virus corralled.
How and Why to Read Genesis in 2022
by Joshua Arnold
Anglican Bishops: 'Unity' Over Truth?
by Rob Schwarzwalder


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