From now until the end of the year →

The countdown is on -- there are fewer than 12 days left on the legislative calendar.

I’m using this final stretch of the year to urge Congress to lift the harmful state and local tax deduction cap, otherwise known as SALT.

Add your name to mine and call on Congress to lift the SALT deduction cap ASAP.

Every day in Congress from now until the end of the year, I will highlight how the SALT deduction cap negatively impacts my constituents by:

- Severely limiting the deduction
- Undermining 150 years of tax law precedent
- Double-taxing tens of thousands of families in my district
- Imposing a penalty on couples filing jointly
- Disproportionately hurting New Jersey

It’s no wonder SALT is one of my constituents’ top concerns.

I put forth a bipartisan plan that would secure tax relief, and my colleagues and I are working hard to advance a measure before the end of the year and lift the cap for hardworking Americans.

Every day from now until the end of the year, I will urge Congress to take action on the SALT deduction cap. Will you join me? Add your name today →

Thank you and all the best,


Paid for by Mikie Sherrill for Congress

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Mikie Sherrill, PO Box 43032 Montclair, NJ 07043