![]() Dear Patriot, The U.S. House and Senate will soon vote on a budget deal that increases spending by $320 billion and suspends the debt ceiling for two years -- allowing Congress to rack up as much debt as it pleases. The good news is that some House conservatives are fighting the bill. But they need our support if there is any chance to overcome the bipartisan big spending deal. Congressional leadership is furiously working to round up the votes to ram it through Congress this week before the August recess. So please call your U.S. Representative and Senators NOW at 202-224-3121 and tell them to vote against this deal and any other deal that increases federal spending and debt. According to the Congressional Budget Office, federal debt will increase to 144% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2049 -- and this report was issued before this week’s budget deal! This level of debt is unsustainable and -- unless the spending trajectory is reversed -- will cause a major economic crisis as the Federal Reserve is forced to monetize the debt and keep interest rate low. The result will be increasing inflation, a collapse of the dollar’s value, and eventually, a repudiation of the dollar’s world reserve currency status. And then, things will really get rough. . . In 2004, when I was working as Campaign for Liberty Chairman Ron Paul’s Legislative Director, I was told by a budget expert in the Congressional Research Service that the only thing saving the United States from an Argentina-style collapse was the dollar’s world reserve currency status. And this was before the bill for the Iraq and Afghanistan wars had reached over a trillion dollars, the bank bailouts, and ObamaCare. . . The only way to avoid utter financial catastrophe in America is to force Congress to cut spending. But most members of Congress think there is no constituency for cutting spending, so the politically smart thing to do is keep piling on the welfare and the warfare and let the next generation deal with the debt. You and I must let Congress know loud and clear -- we want them to cut spending! So please call your U.S. Representative and Senators NOW at 202-224-3121 and tell them to vote against this deal and any other deal that increases federal spending and debt. Click here to find your U.S. Representative. Click here to find your U.S. Senators. Some might say that Campaign for Liberty is irresponsible for opposing a debt limit increase -- but is it really responsible to keep giving more money to the world’s biggest collection of spendaholics in the U.S. Congress?Would any credit card company keep increasing a big spenders credit limit -- especially if they showed no interest in or ability to reduce spending? The irresponsible culprits in this scenario are the politicians who -- according to media reports -- are literally begging President Trump to sign this deal and are trying to pressure Senator Rand Paul and others to not be “obstructionists.” Congressional leadership is doing all it can to try and ram this bill through Congress. So please call your U.S. Representative and Senators NOW at 202-224-3121 and tell them to vote against this deal and any other deal that increases federal spending and debt. I know some say this is a lost cause and Congress will never cut spending. They say there are too many powerful interests feeding off the federal trough for Congress to even consider cutting the deficit. And honestly, I even thought about not sending this alert. After all, Campaign for Liberty is already involved in many major battles -- like stopping new gun control, repealing the PATRIOT Act, blocking the Green New Deal, and passing Audit the Fed. . . But this simply can’t be ignored. Patriot, one of the keys to Campaign for Liberty’s many victories is we do not give up when the political class tells us it’s a losing battle. Even if we lose some skirmishes, with each loss, we come closer to victory by letting the politicians know that we are here. . . We are watching. . . And we will not go away. Each time they endanger our children’s futures with their Fed-fueled spending binges, we will be there to hold them accountable. Until they finally get the message or are sent home! YOUR willingness to stand and fight and keep fighting for liberty is the key to all of our success, both in the past and (more significantly) in the future. You and I must do all we can to stop this budget deal. So please call your U.S. Representative and Senators NOW at 202-224-3121 and tell them to vote against this deal and any other deal that increases federal spending and debt. And chip in whatever you can afford to help Campaign for Liberty battle Congress’s bipartisan spending caucus. In Liberty, Norm Singleton |