2020 is the year that can change everything

John – 2020 is going to be massive for our climate movement, so I wanted to let you in on the plan ahead of time. If you think this year was big, just wait until you hear what’s coming next…


Our global team is finalizing our plan for 2020 – and it’s jam-packed with radical, planet-changing action. Quite frankly, this is huge. And it’s going to take everything we’ve got.

As one of our most dedicated supporters, I wanted to let you know how you can shape 2020 so that together we can make it the biggest, most vital year for climate action our planet has ever seen.

We have to be honest: without your support, we’re not sure we can pull this off. Can you chip in and pay for the tools, organizers and technology to bring the 2020 plan to life?

I’m excited to share with you just a few of the major actions planned for the year ahead:

And that’s just the highlight reel. These plans represent the energy, the passion, and the determination of millions of us – and you’re one of the millions, John.

But to do all this, and so much more, we need the kind of budget capable of taking on companies like Exxon and Shell.

Because whether it’s training school strikers to create waves in the media, beating our current record of $11 trillion divested from fossil fuels, or coordinating our fight against the Keystone pipeline, it takes a huge amount of time, resources, training – and funding – to make the magic happen.

If everyone reading this email gave a few dollars, we’d have enough for the training, organizers, and technology to make this the biggest year for climate action yet.

John, you’ve stepped up in such a huge way already – now can you chip in and help power the plan for 2020?

We’re so glad you’re with us,

P.S. With the clock ticking louder every day, 2020 MUST be the year we go all out for climate action. Chip in now to make sure 2020 is the most radical year for climate action our planet has ever seen.

350.org is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and text 350 to 83224 to get important mobile action alerts. Become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing. Looking for other ways to get involved? Check out our map to see if there's a local 350 group or event near you.

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