This is a major step to tackling the climate crisis and lowering costs for everyday families.

BREAKING: Senate Democrats just passed the Inflation Reduction Act! This is a major step to tackling the climate crisis and lowering costs for everyday families.

But with ZERO Republicans voting for the bill, it’s clear the GOP is determined to grind our progress to a halt — especially if Mitch McConnell retakes the Senate this November. John, make a donation to help Defend the Senate >>


The Inflation Reduction Act will tackle some of our biggest problems — from helping stop climate change to creating new jobs and lowering health care costs by capping out-of-pocket spending for prescription drugs.

But not a single Republican voted for the bill — including these 15 Republicans up for election:

Marco Rubio.
Ron Johnson.
Chuck Grassley.
Rand Paul.
John Boozman.
Mike Crapo.
John Hoeven.
John Kennedy.
James Lankford.
Mike Lee.
Jerry Moran.
Lisa Murkowski.
Tim Scott.
John Thune.
Todd Young.

Republicans are hell-bent on stopping our progress — and if they gain just one Senate seat this year, Mitch McConnell will sabotage our agenda at every turn from the majority.

We need to make sure Mitch and Senate Republicans NEVER get that opportunity, John.

Please, rush in $10 to help us support Senate Democrats and win their hard-fought races. Polls are closer than ever, so we need your help to keep up with the GOP’s fundraising machine.

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Thank you,

Defend the Senate