
When Roe v. Wade was officially overturned by the Supreme Court, it was really hard to know how to fight back — and how to make a real impact.

So here at HER Time HQ, we started with the basics: making a list. And thus, HER Time's Guide to a Post-Roe World was created!

We want this to be a go-to guide for EVERYONE. From those seeking out-of-state abortions to those seeking to take action against archaic new laws. It includes the best way to seek an abortion depending on where you are in your pregnancy (and the US). It also has a clear guide for how to take political action — including three different petitions you can sign urging governmental action.

We want to make sure we get as many eyes as possible on this guide — so we can fight back and SAVE LIVES. Will you help us spread the word by donating a little now?

More to come,

— Katie