Governor Abbott Continues Sending Illegal Aliens to Democrat Cities |
If Democrat leaders in New York and DC are already overwhelmed with the number of illegals being sent their way, think about how small Texas border towns feel dealing with more than 200,000 aliens crossing monthly.
Maybe they should ask Biden to secure the border…
Emerging Crime Capitals of America |
This is what happens when you abandon law and order.
Crime will continue to surge as long as the Left chooses wokeism over rational solutions that ensure your safety.
Biden Is Risking Our National Security |
Biden's anti-science vaccine mandate is risking our national security.
I won’t sacrifice our military preparedness for political games.
The president must end this charade NOW!
Fighting for Election Integrity |
America will not survive without free and fair elections.
I'm supporting the ACE Act to ensure integrity exists in our federal elections, provide states the tools necessary to do the same, and make certain every legal vote counts!
Another Sham Bill |
The Democrats’ new "Inflation Reduction Act" will raise taxes even more.
This is just another sham bill that will hurt American families.
The World Knows Our Southern Border Is Open |
People from more than 150 different countries have illegally crossed the southern border.
Terrorists worldwide see our unsecured border as an easy way into America.
Biden's purposefully risking our national security. What kind of president does that?
A Total Farce |
Canceling student loan debt is a farce – don't fall for it.
We're in the middle of the highest inflationary period in 40 years, yet Biden wants you to take on MORE debt, and not even your own.
It's unfair and unacceptable. You deserve better.
America Should Never Rejoin the Iran Nuclear Deal |
Rejoining the Iran Nuclear Deal won't stop this regime's reign of terror.
It'll actually empower them… and use your tax dollars to do it.
Every American Deserves Due Process |
Biden and the Democrats conveniently ignored the Antifa thugs who set fire to cities nationwide in 2020. In fact, they were repeatedly set free.
Yet, January 6 prisoners continue to rot away in DC jails.
Every American has a right to due process!
A Deliberate Crisis |
You cannot convince me that the border crisis is anything but deliberate.
This administration is 100% to blame.
Congress Must Check Big Tech |
Congress must act to protect our First Amendment rights from Big Tech’s biased censorship.
We cannot allow Big Brother’s woke agenda to dictate what is and isn’t free speech.
Remembering Congresswoman Jackie Walorski |
My most sincere prayers are with the family and loved ones of Rep. Jackie Walorski (IN-21) and her staff, who were tragically lost on Wednesday.
Jackie was a friend, and it was a privilege to fight alongside her in the halls of Congress. She will be missed.
Celebrating the U.S. Coast Guard's 232nd Birthday |
Thursday marked the U.S. Coast Guard's 232nd birthday.
We thank all those who have served and continue to serve in defense of our nation's waterways and coastlines. Semper Paratus!
I'll never forget the time they let me fly the helicopter!
REMINDER: Look at Your Passport! |
If you’re planning a trip out of the country, ensure your passport is valid!
With some international travel restrictions being lifted, processing times for passport renewals/new passports are increasing.
Plan ahead and have a safe and enjoyable summer!
Preventing Abortion Sanctuaries Act (H.R. 8501)
Summary: This bill protects unborn babies nationwide by prohibiting abortion sanctuary states from receiving any funding from the Department of Health and Human Services.
Let Us Help You |
We are ready to assist you! We know how to cut through bureaucratic red tape and can get you answers. Please feel free to call or stop by one of our offices.
Let us work on your behalf!