News From Congressman Bilirakis
August 7, 2022


Dear Neighbor,


Last week, the Senate continued to press forward with their harmful spending package, which will fuel inflation and raise taxes on all Americans and small businesses.  I cannot fathom this logic since we are already grappling with the painful effects of a recession.  This is not the way to grow our economy and provide the relief that Americans desperately need.  I will continue to express these concerns and can only hope that logic will prevail.

The month of August is traditionally the District Work Period, which presents a wonderful opportunity for me to meet with as many constituents and attend as many local events as possible.  Below you will find a few highlights of the people I had the chance to connect with in our community last week.  I look forward to the opportunity to speak to many more of you in the weeks ahead!  The valuable insight I gain from talking with our neighbors helps me do a better job serving as your voice in Washington when Congress resumes in September. 

Also, today is Purple Heart Day, a special opportunity for Americans to remember and honor the men and women who bravely represented their country and were wounded or killed while serving.  To all our Purple Heart recipients, we thank you for your service and sacrifice!




Please continue reading for a brief update!


Learning from You


Last week, I had the opportunity to support “Paws for a Cause,” a community event in downtown New Port Richey to support the Semper Fi Service Dogs Charity, which helps link Veterans in need with trained service dogs.  It was a fun event for a very worthwhile cause. 


I also enjoyed speaking with local small business owners and community leaders at the West Pasco Sunset Foundation Rotary group in New Port Richey. It is always great to hear directly from my constituents about the issues that are most important to them.


It was wonderful to meet with the team at BayCare Behavioral Health Statewide Inpatient Psychiatric Program in New Port Richey.  We discussed the many barriers preventing those with severe mental health issues from getting the care and treatment they need.  I will continue to work with my colleagues to develop solutions to this important problem. 

During my visit to an emergency communications tower in Tarpon Springs last week, I had the chance to speak with first responders about the challenges they face in maintaining and deploying wireless/broadband infrastructure in rural areas to support emergency communications.  It is critical that our first responders have the most up-to-date communications tools needed to support their life-saving work.  As we seek to modernize our nation’s infrastructure and close the digital divide, I will continue to advocate for the effective and efficient deployment of resources to bring connectivity throughout the entire country. 



The integrity of our elections process is vital to the foundation of our society.  Last week, I was grateful for the opportunity to host Rodney Davis, the Lead Republican on the House Administration Committee, which has jurisdiction over elections.  He has filed the American Confidence in Elections (ACE Act), which I support. The bill is focused on three main pillars: providing states with tools to implement election integrity measures/removing federal impediments, exercising Congress' responsibility to implement election integrity measures in D.C., and protecting free speech.  Learn more about the ACE Act here


Florida has a unique electoral history.  I served in the Florida Legislature during the 2000 election when we were the laughingstock of the nation because of our hanging and dimpled chads.  We have come a VERY long way in the last 22 years which saw common sense and effective measures put into place to ensure that every legitimate vote is counted, and every illegitimate vote is invalidated.  In his 2021 State of the State Address to the Legislature, Governor DeSantis asked members of the Legislature to take a moment to enjoy the fact that Florida ran perhaps the most transparent and efficient election in the nation in 2020.  People throughout the country were asking why other states could not be more like Florida.  As someone who had a front row seat to the election debacle in 2000, I can assure you that such a sentiment was unthinkable twenty years ago.


One thing is clear, if the American electorate does not have confidence that elections are free and fair, it undermines our Republic.  Through my work on the Election Integrity Congressional Caucus, I have sought to strengthen that confidence.   Florida is truly a role model when it comes to achieving this goal.  Through the ACE Act, I look forward to providing a framework for other states seeking improvement.  




Fighting for our Heroes


Last week, the PACT Act passed in the Senate.  This long-overdue legislation is finally headed to the President to become law this week.  This critical legislation will expand Veterans’ benefits to those who have been exposed to toxins during their service to our nation.  I originally authored several key provisions  of the PACT Act along with the help of local heroes, Lauren Price and Lonnie Kilpatrick, who have recently lost their lives as a result of toxic exposure.   May Lauren and Lonnie’s service and sacrifice never be forgotten, and because of their advocacy, may other Veterans be spared from having to endure the same hardships they faced upon returning home from the battlefield.  Click here to learn more about who will be helped when this new law is enacted.  

I'm also proud to see the progress on the beautiful new VA Outpatient Center in New Port Richey, which will be opening soon. It has taken several years to secure necessary funds and see this project to fruition, but we are almost across the finish line. Our local Veterans deserve this state-of-the art facility in which they will receive high quality care!  Click here to learn more.  


Securing our Border


More than 3.1 million people have illegally entered our country since President Biden took office. 

The Biden Administration is now issuing identification cards to those who illegally enter our country, with the stated goal of making it easier for these illegal migrants to gain access to government funded services.   This is just encouraging more people to break our laws and enter the country illegally.  Why is the President prioritizing the needs of those who disregard our laws over law-abiding American citizens who are suffering due to Biden’s failing economy?   The crisis at the border is also very dangerous for those being smuggled in through the border.  Human trafficking at our southern border is now a multi-billion dollar international business controlled by organized crime, including some of Mexico’s most violent drug cartels.  This is not only a security crisis, it’s also a humanitarian catastrophe.  We need to secure the border and enforce the rule of law!  


Empowering Parents


Some liberals throughout the country are once again pushing for our students to be required to wear masks in schools, despite evidence proving that masking during the pandemic did more harm than good.  I know this is not what the majority of parents in our community want.  I support the creation of a Parents’ Bill of Rights to put power back in the hands of parents!

Feeling the Pain of a Recession


Bidenflation and the recession it has prompted has negatively impacted the lives of many Americans.  According to a recent survey, here is how many Americans are grappling with record inflation. 




Also, as this article indicates, two-thirds of US consumers say they are planning to reduce spending over the next six months as a result of #Bidenflation.  This is another troubling sign for our U.S. economy.   Sadly, we are seeing an influx of Americans, including many seniors, turn to food banks and other pantries because they cannot afford the huge increases in food costs that have been generated by inflation.  We must stop the reckless government spending.   




Supporting Small Businesses


Weekly, I highlight newly opened or expanded businesses in our community that my team has visited. Congratulations to our newest small business owners and best wishes for your continued success!


I recently stopped into the Butcher’s Block, a small, family-owned and operated business in downtown New Port Richey. I was fortunate to be able to meet the owner and discuss the impact that the pandemic, inflation, and supply chain issues have had on small businesses throughout our community. It was great to hear direct feedback and to see how committed this owner and his family are to supporting the community while overcoming challenges and growing their business.





Constituent Corner


My office recently received the following message from a constituent in Pasco County.


I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Mr. Bilirakis and his staff including the hard work by Carol and James regarding the expediting of a needed document for international travel. My issue was handled with amazing clarity and speed. Excellent work everyone!


This is just one example of the work we do each day. Constituent services are a critical element of our congressional office. The federal government is a massive operation, and my office is available if you ever need assistance in navigating the bureaucracy or cutting through red tape. We are here to serve you!  



Gus Bilirakis
Member of Congress

Rep. Gus Bilirakis | 2354 Rayburn HOB, Washington, DC 20515