From the Fiefdom of New York under the careful watch of King Cuomo.
Manhattan Contrarian (12/3/19) blog: "As I have noted many times before, this whole green energy thing is all just so much talk until the point hits where energy shortages start to emerge or consumer prices begin to soar. At that point, the people will notice. And then, how will the politics shift? Will the politicians press forward with green energy — and impose energy deprivation on the people in the process? Or will they promptly back off the green energy blather, and return to the cheap and reliable fossil fuels? Here in New York, where professing the green religion is the indispensable ticket to entry into polite society, we’re in the early phases of seeing this process play out. Out there in the hinterlands, you may be interested in the dynamics...In other words, we had upon us a one hundred percent self-inflicted impending crisis, about 90% of it the personal responsibility of the Governor, with maybe a 10% assist from the legislature. So how has the Governor reacted? If the answer is not obvious to you, then you clearly will never qualify for political office. The answer is that the Governor reacted by blaming National Grid. On November 12 he issued a letter to the utility, claiming that it had failed to provide 'adequate and reliable service,' and threatening to revoke its operating permit unless it immediately resumed acceptance of new customers in its service area."
"President Trump's policies have led to a historic era in American energy. We are the world’s largest oil and gas producer, second biggest generator of wind and solar power, and continue to lead the entire world in energy-related carbon emissions."
–Dan Brouillette,
15th Secretary of Energy