From PCCC (Bold Progressives) <[email protected]>
Subject Dems, make abortion the 2022 issue
Date August 7, 2022 1:02 PM
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Following the defeat of the abortion ban referendum in Kansas, Sen. Brian
Schatz (HI-Sen) is imploring Democratic candidates to make abortion a
defining issue of the 2022 election.

For a long time, Democrats running in purple and red districts have run
away from the issue of abortion, citing mixed public opinion.

But the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe has galvanized Americans
across the political spectrum and changed the political landscape for
good. The Kansas results underscore that Dems need to expose Republicans’
extremism on abortion -- in every state and every district.

[ [link removed] ]Here are 5 progressives in conservative districts who are speaking
boldly about abortion rights -- and who need (and deserve!) our donations:
Mandela Barnes (WI-Sen), John Fetterman (PA-Sen), Katie Porter (CA-47),
Andy Kim (NJ-03), Angie Craig (MN-02).

Here’s what these progressives are saying:

Katie Porter: "The American people overwhelmingly support abortion rights,
but archaic rules are blocking the Senate from acting. We need to elect
candidates willing and ready to end the filibuster and codify Roe into

Andy Kim: "Last night in Kansas, voters decided to keep protections for
abortion in the state constitution. People know what is at stake. We need
to build on this momentum and protect these rights across the nation.
Women’s rights are human rights. Let’s get it done."

Mandela Barnes: "SCOTUS took the rights of millions of women – and the GOP
was right there with them. This fall, when I’m in the Senate, we will get
them back. And we will make sure this never happens again."

John Fetterman: "Women’s reproductive freedom and marriage equality must
be codified into federal law. I would *proudly* be that 51st vote to make
it happen."

Angie Craig: "I’m in this fight because I believe that no one should stand
in the way of a woman’s right to control her own body. I will not give up
until that right is restored across our country."

FiveThirtyEight’s analysis bears out what Brian Schatz is saying and
[ [link removed] ]these progressives in blue and purple states are practicing:

"Abortion has all the elements of a particularly potent wedge issue for
the Democratic Party. Democrats are increasingly unified and motivated to
return to the status quo of legal abortions under Roe. Republicans are
more divided and demobilized by an issue that has historically rallied its
base. And independents are closer to Democrats on abortion."

[ [link removed] ]Can you chip in here to progressives in conservative or swing districts
who are showing how all Dems should be putting abortion front-and-center
leading into November?

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team ([ [link removed] ]@BoldProgressive)




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