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Team, I want you to hear this from me: I’m in this race to win it, and our path forward is clear.

I may not be on the debate stage next Thursday, but thanks to the outpouring of support from this community over the past few weeks, we know there’s a path to victory and we no longer need the December debate stage to get there.

The voters deserve to decide who the Democratic nominee should be -- and I know that together, we can win this race. If I’m not on the debate stage next week, I’ll be on the road hearing directly from and sharing my vision with the people who will determine the outcome of this race.

I’ll be doing what we’ve done for the last ten months of this campaign and throughout my time in public service -- meeting people where they are, in living rooms and church basements, at coffee shops and in diners, and discussing how to tackle the most pressing challenges we face.

Because the truth is that in America, we share a common pain, and to beat Trump and heal our country, we must unite with a sense of common purpose.

I’ve spent my entire career bringing people together to take on our toughest challenges. I beat slumlords who were taking advantage of low-income families, ushered in Newark’s greatest economic growth in a generation in the wake of the Great Recession, and overcame the broken politics of Washington to get criminal justice reform passed into law.

I’m building a campaign to win, and that begins with the Iowa caucuses on February 3rd.

But I can’t do this alone -- I need you with me if we are going to succeed. Can you rush a donation right now to make sure we’ve got the strongest ground game going into the Iowa caucuses?

I know I say this a lot, but beating Donald Trump is the floor, not the ceiling.

We need a leader in the Oval Office who’s able to unite our deeply divided nation and begin the healing our country so desperately needs. It’s time for a president who brings us together as one nation, not one who drives us apart with hate and fear.

If you give me the chance, I will be that president. It’s why I’m putting out this call to action: Will you stand with me in this race?

This community has stuck with me when others have counted us out. This community is why we’re still here now and why we’ll be here for the long run. For that, I’m grateful.

I’m not sticking around for vanity or ego -- I’m in this to win it because I believe I’m the best candidate to beat Donald Trump and lead this country to higher ground. I hope you’re with me.



Paid for by Cory 2020

P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

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