Independent Women’s Forum is delighted to announce that philanthropist Lynn Estes Friess is the latest entry into our popular series of Champion Women profiles.
In June of last year, Friess had lunch with several friends. "They all seemed to be wringing their hands. Things weren't going well in the country."
Friess has never been one for handwringing. She and her late husband, the famous financier and philanthropist Foster Friess, were always action-oriented. Lynn called her friends with news that she planned to start a women's group. The goal was to help inform women about political happenings and get them involved.

"At the first meeting, we had three, and now I think we're up to about 40 women members," says Friess, who lives in Jackson, Wyoming. "The group is called Active Women Engaging — AWE."

Despite losing her husband and partner of 58 years, Friess remains a determined "happy warrior." The new women’s group is an awesome signal that she has no intention of pulling back from the fray.
We know that you will enjoy meeting this dynamic woman, who with her late husband became famous for what might be called "creative philanthropy," and learning how a medical crisis with one of her children became an occasion for grace.

Charlotte Hays
Cultural Director
Independent Women's Forum