Guess we’re doing our job right 🐶
Taxpayer, I apologize if Hershey’s story below is difficult to read.
But the truth is 20 more puppies at the Richmond Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) may suffer the same fate if we can’t fund our rapid response efforts to cancel experiment #02002.
You see, fighting white coats at the Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA) is EXTREMELY expensive.
Since launching our campaign several years ago, we’ve successfully ended 87.5% of dog testing at the VA. But we were forced to spend a massive amount of money on legal, lobbying, and advertising costs to do it.
And now, the VA’s white coats are on offense to protect their last standing dog labs – including their horrific treadmill and heart failure experiment!

Taxpayer, 87.5% isn’t good enough. We want to END 100% of the VA’s puppy experiments. We’re so close!
But the VA’s white coats are doubling down, and our war chest is severely depleted. We need to raise at least $17,000 before midnight tomorrow to cover our campaign costs, cancel experiment #02002, and help save 20 puppies from treadmill torture and painful deaths.
The VA has already wasted millions and killed 20 innocent puppies for these experiments. But with your help before tomorrow night’s deadline, not one more.
If you can afford to pitch in now, I PROMISE it will be worth every penny!
Anthony Bellotti
President & Founder
White Coat Waste Project
P.S. Taxpayer, WCW is so proud to be the ONLY group to have actually shut down a government dog lab this year. Sadly, every other organization is losing this War on Waste. But you can count on us to get results! So please follow this secure link to rush whatever you can afford before the deadline to help us prevent the deaths of 20 more puppies.




Taxpayer, if we don't take emergency action, VA experiment #02002 could be extended for years to come.
Please rush whatever amount you can afford by MIDNIGHT SATURDAY — even if it's just $3 — to help us end the VA’s heart failure experiment for good and prevent government white coats from slaughtering 20 more puppies.
Stop the MONEY.
Stop the MADNESS!