Jim Jordan

Fellow Conservative,

The Democrats spent four years trying to stop President Trump from getting anything accomplished for the American people. Now, President Biden is replicating the leadership style of Barack Obama: governing by executive order and strong-arming legislation through the House and Senate, in spite of having the narrowest majorities in DECADES.

So much for working with Republicans in Congress.

If we don't start building our coalition now, all bets are off for winning back control of the House this November. And honestly, America cannot afford two additional years of total Democrat control.

I’m writing today because we must start now to win a Conservative majority in Congress. We only need to win a FOUR seats to return a conservative majority to the House.

While the election may a couple of months away – it’s imperative we’re able to begin the groundwork for a successful campaign cycle. TODAY.

That's why before August 10th, I’ve set a goal of identifying 10,000 conservatives who stand ready and willing to help our team flip the House this November.

We have FOUR days until August 10th and so far have collected 3,500 signatures of the 10,000 signature goal, which means today we need 1,300 conservatives to step forward in order to stay on track toward meeting our goal by the end of the month


Retiring Nancy Pelosi as Speaker and uniting all Conservatives to stop radical legislation from Joe Biden and the far left begins today. We’re counting on you to join our cause.

We hope you will be among the first to sign up and signal your commitment to return a Conservative majority in the House.

Thank you for your support.

For freedom,

Jim Jordan

Paid for by Jim Jordan for Congress

PO BOX 355
Delaware, OH 43015