It works very fast


It's Linda, your weight loss buddy. :-)

A few days ago I have shared how women over 60 can create perfect synergy and melt 1 pound every 3 days and I showed you a few of my successful clients. 

Alison (the lady below) got so excited to see that we published her before and after photos, that she emailed me her complete weight loss story with everything she did to lose 50lbs in 3 months, just in time for her high school reunion!

You'll love it, you'll get inspired and motivated, so go ahead and read it below!

"Dear Linda, my name is Alison, I am 64 years old, and over 30 years of those, felt like a never-ending battle with my weight. 

I was never what you’d call a skinny kid, but it wasn’t until I had my first child in my early 20’s, when my size really started to creep up. 

I loved good food and eating out, and I used any excuse I could find to eat something… 

I ate when I was sad to cheer me up and I ate when I had something to celebrate.
Soon, even a Friday night became a great excuse to have a huge Pepperoni pizza all to myself, and the weekend that followed would be a free for all!

Every Sunday I’d be like “I’ll start tomorrow!”, every Monday, I was like “I’ll start next week!” 

And somehow, I always convinced myself that one more day won’t hurt… and this became a never-ending cycle!

Everyone could see me getting bigger and I slowly started to become paranoid that my friends were talking about me behind my back. 

I especially hated bumping into people I hadn’t seen in a while because of what they may think about how I had gone downhill. 

When I looked in the mirror, I was ashamed to look at my reflection…
I also hated catching my reflection in shop windows because it made me feel awful inside…

One thing I remember as hating the most: the feeling of being big in my clothes… 

The feeling of my clothes getting tighter on me and the lumps and bumps showing through, jiggling as I walked….

It was not just about my weight… It was also about the total lack of energy that came with it!

Even playing with my kids was hard work, especially after a day at work, where I’d just come home feeling utterly exhausted.

Then, my kids grew up, and they got married and I soon entered menopause. 

I had my first grandkid when I was 53 and just looking at him play was a burden. 

I wish my son would let me play with him, but because I was at a risk of heart attack, I was hardly allowed to hold him in my arms. 

That was the first time when I felt really motivated to lose weight! Too bad I waited until I was over 210 pounds and on heart medications. 

What came next was a lot of ups and downs, with me losing a few pounds, then gaining back more! 

I got to a point where I was afraid to start a new weight loss program because I always ended up weighing more than when I started!

Then, a few months ago, in the post, came the dreaded invitation to the High school reunion…

My heart sank… 

Of course, I wanted to see all the guys, but I was obese, 64 years old and at 222 pounds, and the reunion was only a few months away!

The very thought of my old colleagues looking at how obese I became, filled my stomach with knots…
In the last 10 years, I’d already tried nearly every weight loss program under the sun! You name it, I’d done it! 

Low carb, keto, South east diet, weight watchers, Jenny Craig, cabbage soup, even Beachbody or cardio! 

They all made me feel like a misery because I couldn’t stick to any of them long term, as I didn’t enjoy any of them and I was always hungry!

I wanted to go to the reunion so bad, but I wasn’t prepared to step into a gym and have everyone stare at my big belly!

So, I went on google and typed “home weight loss program with extremely fast results” as I was looking for a miracle that would change my appearance for the reunion!

The first result was about an odd combination of herbs with easy workouts and it said that women over 55 were losing over 20 pounds in their first month. 

Since that was the only result that even mentioned women over 55, I decided to start the program and take their little-known herbs mixture daily.

The powerful herbs helped me control my overeating behavior, as it curbed my appetite all day long, and got me anxious about exercising. 

When I did their first workout, it felt so easy! 

And with the motivational words from the workout video, I couldn’t wait to do the next one, the day after!

Then, I had a protein shake, and I was not hungry until around 1 pm. 

The meal plan had 6 meals each day, including the protein drink, so I decided to combine meal 2, 3 and 4 in a larger meal around 2 pm, and the last 2 meals were my dinner at around 7 pm.

On the 7th day I could eat lots of carbs, but I skipped 1 meal, as I felt too full!

I was shocked to see that I was able to follow the program for a whole week without struggle, and I was even more shocked when I stepped on the scale after 8 days, having lost almost 6 pounds!

I was amazed at how high my energy was, so from the 2nd week, even though I was on heart medications, I decided to do 2 of the 15 minutes workouts daily! 

I did the first one right after I woke up and the 2nd one, at around 6 pm, a little before dinner, with my husband cheering for me. 

After the first 30 days I had lost 24 pounds and 4 dress sizes. It was unreal!

Then, from the 2nd month, I started their advanced program. 

The workouts were a bit more intense, but I was allowed to eat more food! 

This program gave me so much joy and fulfillment. 

A few days before the reunion, when I went shopping for new clothes, I was amazed to see that I had dropped almost 8 sizes, so the next morning I stepped on the scale!

I was at my lowest weight since before I was in my late thirties! 
I had gone down to 170 pounds in just 3 months thanks to this new program for women over 50!

USE THIS PAGE To Check Out The Little-Known Herbs Mixture That Changed Alison’s Life!

I have already scheduled a new appointment with my doctor and I hope that he will take me off heart medications as I feel healthier that ever!

In the day before the reunion, my best friend from high school, Jessica, came to see me… 

We haven’t seen each other for more than 10 years, as she moved to Florida with her family.

So when I opened the door for her, she couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw me, as 10 years ago, I was around 210-220 pounds. 

She told me that I looked 20 years younger and that I am by far, the healthiest and fittest woman who graduated in our high school in 1976. 

We both started laughing when I showed her my old clothes! 

I am so proud of myself for getting back to being radiantly healthy after years in which I was constantly fearing a heart attack.

Combining the easy workouts and the little-known herbs changed my life! 

They literary set my metabolism on fire allowing me to get results so fast and easy after years of struggle, when nothing worked for me and I was hopeless and depressed… 

At the reunion, everyone complimented me and many of my old colleagues hardly recognized me as they were expecting to see an obese woman…

I went in with my head held high! 

To be honest the complements were so many that I felt a bit embarrassed, but deep down they were so nice to hear after so many years of low self-esteem….

And I think there were probably at least a dozen ladies from the reunion who signed up for the same program when they got home…  as I told everyone my weight loss secret!

I know now that if I hadn’t started this new program for women over 50, I would have been at over 220 pounds and struggling… and for sure, I wouldn’t have attended the reunion as I was too embarrassed because of my old body. 

But now, I feel like a celebrity, as almost everyone has complimented me in a way or another. 
I think that every woman deserves to feel like that! 

That is why I recommend all women who want to lose over 40 pounds and have more energy to start this program!”

USE THIS PAGE To Check Out The Little-Known Herbs Mixture That Changed Alison’s Life!

Have an amazing day!

This message was sent to [email protected] on 05 as part of our special VIP newsletter written just for our VIP members.
It's meant only for people with high-charged positive energy, open-minds and who know deep down that they're destined for their own personal greatness too, which is why they're so committed to achieving their big, huge, throbbing vision and being lifelong students of physical self-improvement.
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